Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Find The Best Successful Allergy Treatment

Do you suffer from allergies in any form? Do you dread season change? Does any food item or smell overtake your life by making you weak? If itchy eyes and/or uncontrolled sneezing makes your breathing difficult, then your body is giving a hyperactive response to a particular substance (allergen).

According to Ayurveda, allergy is a result of a specific allergen aggravating a particular dosha in the body – kapha, pitta or vata. Ayurveda provides a comprehensive allergy treatment without any side effects. Ayurvedic allergic treatment is very effective in managing and treating all types of alleries and allergic reactions. Read on to find excellent Ayurvedic and natural treatment for allergy. It is recommended to visit a good Ayurvedic center in case of acute problem.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C not only boosts immunity, but also lower histamine production. Amla is a good source of Vitamin C. It should be consumed on a regular basis.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek soothes the mucous membrane, relieves irritation and prevents sneezing. It also has antiviral properties and is very effective in allergy treatment.

Ginger, Amla, Honey

Mix 5-gram ginger juice with one amla and a tablespoon honey. You can also add little water to this preparation. It will act as a decongestant and improve overall immunity.


Nasya is an Ayurvedic practice of putting herbal oil drops in the nose. Doing this every night before going to bed lubricates the nasal passage and keep allergens from irritating the nasal lining.


30-minute daily pranayama can work wonders in treating allergy. Pranayama is a breathing technique that calms mind and improve cardiovascular fitness.

Steam inhalation

Severe cold or heaviness in the head due to allergy can be treated by inhaling water with handful of rock salt as vapors.

Warm milk with spices

Mix one teaspoon of turmeric and black pepper powder in warm milk. Mix it well and drink it twice in a day to get relief from allergy.


Tulsi is an excellent herb in allergic rhinitis treatment. It is especially good for throat and chest and has the good impact on the overall respiratory system.


Ancient ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha is also very effective in allergic rhinitis treatment. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is an antioxidant. It nourishes the body with immunity and strength.

According to Ayurvedic allergy treatment, asaatmya (allergy) nature should be converted to saatmya (anti-allergy) nature. This includes balancing the doshas through purification and pacification therapies and treatment.   

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Bipolar Disorder Treatments - Everything You Need to Know

As per the textbook definition, ‘Bipolar disorder, also identified as maniac-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.’ This mental disorder has affected around 1.1 % of the population above the age of 18 years. This means at any one given time, 51 million people in the world suffer from bipolar disorder and this includes 8.7 million people in India (source - NIMH).

Coming to the treatment of mental disorders, let’s understand that bipolar disorder treatment or insomnia treatment. The modern medication doesn’t really treat the doshas responsible for the disorder. Rather they only balance and control the physical symptoms. Here we shall tell you everything about bipolar disorder treatment.

According to the classical texts of Chakras and Sushruta, there is no particular disease that is equivalent to the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Ayurveda uses the term ‘Unmada’ as a broad term to describe insanity. Ayurveda believes that the lack of stability (ojas) results in difficulty to sustain emotional responses, low sattva Guna as well as high Vata. Ayurvedic treatment of bipolar disorder focusses on three steps:

1. Increasing Ojas

Patient suffering from bipolar disorder should eat a diet that is rich in ojas-increasing food. This includes:
  • Dates
  • Almonds    
  • Ghee
  • Avocado
  • Coconut meat, coconut water, coconut milk
  • Pumpkin and sesame seeds

Deep breathing also goes a long way to increase ojas and vitality. It is suggested that the patient should take deep belly breaths in the morning to avoid constriction and elevate the ojas.

2. Increasing Sattva Guna

Sattva Guna can be increased by consuming sattvic food. Sattvic food brings calmness, clarity, and creativity to the mind, thereby enhance the sattva guna. The following food is recommended for the same:
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Split or whole moong dal

One should refrain from consuming processed and caned food as it can increase ama (toxic and undigested matter) and tax body’s agni (digestive fire).

3. Stabilizing Vata Doshas

It is important to keep vata in balance and for that one should go for sweet, sour and salty taste, thereby avoiding pungent, astringent and bitter food. Ayurveda recommends:
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Warm milk
  • Moderate sweets
  • All varieties of nuts
  • Eat larger quantities but don’t overeat
  • Spices like cardamom, cumin, cinnamon, salt, mustard seeds, basil, sage, oregano etc.

Like most of the mental health disorders, bipolar disorder treatment does not get the due that it deserves owing to mental health being a taboo. It is very important here to mention here that though there is no cure for bipolar disorder, it is a highly treatable brain disease. An Ayurvedic regime helps in a long way in curing mental health and giving a ray of hope in the bipolar disorder treatment as well as insomnia treatment.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Best Treatment On How To Cure Urticaria

Urticaria is basically are red and itchy areas of skin which appear in varying shapes and sizes, ranging, from a few millimeters to several inches in diameter or can be round or in large patches. They can occur basically in any place in our body from arms, legs to the trunks of our body and leads to serious skin conditions like the release of fluid to inflammation of our skin.

It is generally caused due to the combination of two factors one is cold and other is hot that can create lot of problems to our body. Eating incompatible foods, insect bite, side-effects from certain medications also add up to the misery and hence one should be very careful with his surroundings as well with his diet and the medicines which that individual is taking.

There are various kinds of allergy treatments such as a visit to dermatologist or ointments which is easily available in your nearest chemist store that can provide you relief from the skin disorder problem such as urticaria but all these medications sometimes are not effective for a longer duration and you might have to visit the dermatologist or have to apply the ointment on a regular basis. Moreover, you also have to make sure that the ointments which you are applying don’t have a drastic effect on your skin as well.

Ayurveda has gives us remedies for a lot of diseases whether the disease is piles or spondylitis or erectile dysfunction or skin problems such as eczema or urticaria, you will find treatment for each and everything. Moreover, the medications or methods mentioned in Ayurveda is easily accessible to you as it can be a fruit or vegetable which you daily use in your diet or it can be plants that are present in your surroundings.

Some of the home remedies effective for urticaria treatment are many and is not limited to eating easily prepared digestable food to use mustard oil for cooking to using honey instead of sugar. It is basically easy and simple to get yourself treated from urticaria.

Other effective methods mentioned in Ayurveda is the mixture of turmeric powder in a glass of milk or water at least two or three times a day. Also, you can massage your skin with mustard oil atkeast 15 mins a day to get great results. Also, try to avoid all types of sweets as it is mentioned in Ayurveda that all those things play a contributing factor to your immune system which affects the skin. 

Monday, 8 January 2018

The Different Causes of Eczema

It is a condition where people suffer from itchiness, inflammation, redness in a particular patch of the skin that causes a lot of discomfort to the concerned person. People develop eczema due to a variety of reasons starting from certain food habits to harmful pollutants present in the environment. There are different types of symptoms by which one can detect whether that individual has Eczema or not starting from skin infections where the person suffers from severe redness and itchiness which triggers eczema disease to a great extent. Second is Dry Skin that too causes redness and sometimes irritation in our body which like skin infection can cause eczema to a great degree. Third is scaly skin which is quite common  among people and one must try to take proper precautions in order to control it by taking effective eczema treatment.


There are various reasons for which eczema disease takes place in a human body such as food items where eatables such as dairy products, eggs, nuts, seeds and much more influence eczema in our body and hence it is essential for us if we can avoid these foods in order to minimize the effect of eczema.

Sometimes hormones play a vital role in triggering eczema disease in our body, especially on women when their hormones are fluctuating during their pregnancy and also during periods and menstrual cycle. Temperatures also play a vital role in causing eczema problem in our body especially during the winter season due to cold and foggy conditions.


There are various remedies which are easily available for treating eczema right from taking the consultation to the skin specialist to taking ointments but nothing is as effective as ayurvedic home remedies such as mixing 1 teaspoon licorice root powder with a small amount of sesame oil. And warming it and applying to the affected part will give you great relief. You may have to Wrap a bandage over it and leave for 3-4 hours.

Another great remedy is preparing a decoction by boiling 20-30 neem leaves in about 5 cups of water for 25 minutes and cooling it and using it with water in the affected area.

Another great home remedy mentioned in Ayurveda is the combination of babul tree bark and mango tree bark Boil 30 grams of Babul bark and 30 grams of mango tree bark in 1 to 1.5 litre of water for half an hour and use the same water in the affected area in order to see the result for yourself. 

Asthma Treatment - Find Suitable Treatment Type For You

Asthma is a condition which affects the way you breathe to a large extent leading to severe respiratory problems as your body gets inflamed at a great degree due to which breathing becomes really tough for the concerned person.

There are various ways by which you can detect whether you have asthmatic problems or not. Symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, etc can give you a great indication of the problem.


Any kind of physical activity can trigger your breathing and respiratory problems and it can get worse the more you indulge yourself  in any sort of physical activity and therefore it is advisable that the infected individual who has asthma should not indulge in any sort of physical activity in order to keep himself or herself self from hazardous issues.

Pollution also plays a vital role in making you asthmatic problem worse. Air Pollution, Smoking or even hairsprays can have a drastic impact and therefore it is advisable that whenever you go out, take necessary precautions in order to protect yourself from any sort of problems such as wearing masks and so on in order to protect yourself from the condition.

There are certain respiratory infections such as cold which if not treated properly can also play an integral part in making your breathing problem worse as during cold you cannot breathe properly which further creates various repercussion to your health and asthma issues.

There are various asthma treatments which are mentioned in Ayurveda that can help you in treating yourself with precision. Some of the treatments mentioned in Ayurveda includes Yoga and Pranayam which enables you not to go through rigorous training which enables you to lead your life the way you want without worrying about asthma that much.

Atrovent helps the patient to fight back for the problems of asthma and helps you to relax your airways to a great degree that in turn help you or enables you to breathe properly. Honey or warm drinks like herbal tea or spice tea is a great way you can treat yourself from asthmatic problems as it gives you a great amount of relief from the asthma condition and lets you breathe like never before.

Cumin Seeds is also considered as a great remedy if you want to get instant relief from asthmatic problems with precision. Boil Cumin Seeds and inhale it continuously. The combination will work as a bronchitis treatment for you and will give you relief instantly.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Vitiligo Tips- How To Cure vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disorder where the pigmented skin are destroyed that causes white patches in different parts of the body as well as on both the mucous membranes and the retina. It also affects the hair growth on those areas as it sometimes turns white. Some researchers believe that vitiligo is basically a disease where a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organs or tissues causing him or her lot of troubles and problems for which he or she might need to go for vitiligo treatment.

It is believed that weird combination of food contributes to the problem. For instance, consuming fish and milk together releases some kind of harmful toxins in our body that affects our immune system to a great extent and it has also been associated with Thyroid, Diabetes, Psoriasis (for which you might require psoriasis treatment) and Pernicious Anemia.
Also, it is genetic and the children whose parents carried the disorder in all likelihood will carry the same problem.

For its treatment you might take an appointment with a skin doctor that might help you with your problem but due to high amount of charges taken by the skin doctors, lot of people are reluctant to go there especially those who do not possess great financial status and hence for that reason it is essential for them to look out for treatments which are easily available, doesn’t have any kind of side-effects and is very economical to them and hence for that reason Ayurveda is the go to option for most people and it should be used as it has a lasting effect on our body and also rejuvenates our energy to a whole new level. It is mentioned in Ayurveda that we should consume food items such as porridge more on a regular basis than highly refined products such as pasta. Also, we should if possible try to avoid meat, fish, eggs, alcohol and all those food items which in ayurveda has been mentioned not good for our health.

Moreover, sour foods such as pickle and lime should be avoided as well and people should also prohibit themselves from smoking activity. Foods rich in Vitamin C such as tomatoes, and green tea should avoided completely as well. This suggestion has also been considered as an effective remedy for leucoderma treatment as well.

Also, you should hydrate your body at regular intervals by drinking atleast 10-12 glass water every day.