Monday, 8 January 2018

The Different Causes of Eczema

It is a condition where people suffer from itchiness, inflammation, redness in a particular patch of the skin that causes a lot of discomfort to the concerned person. People develop eczema due to a variety of reasons starting from certain food habits to harmful pollutants present in the environment. There are different types of symptoms by which one can detect whether that individual has Eczema or not starting from skin infections where the person suffers from severe redness and itchiness which triggers eczema disease to a great extent. Second is Dry Skin that too causes redness and sometimes irritation in our body which like skin infection can cause eczema to a great degree. Third is scaly skin which is quite common  among people and one must try to take proper precautions in order to control it by taking effective eczema treatment.


There are various reasons for which eczema disease takes place in a human body such as food items where eatables such as dairy products, eggs, nuts, seeds and much more influence eczema in our body and hence it is essential for us if we can avoid these foods in order to minimize the effect of eczema.

Sometimes hormones play a vital role in triggering eczema disease in our body, especially on women when their hormones are fluctuating during their pregnancy and also during periods and menstrual cycle. Temperatures also play a vital role in causing eczema problem in our body especially during the winter season due to cold and foggy conditions.


There are various remedies which are easily available for treating eczema right from taking the consultation to the skin specialist to taking ointments but nothing is as effective as ayurvedic home remedies such as mixing 1 teaspoon licorice root powder with a small amount of sesame oil. And warming it and applying to the affected part will give you great relief. You may have to Wrap a bandage over it and leave for 3-4 hours.

Another great remedy is preparing a decoction by boiling 20-30 neem leaves in about 5 cups of water for 25 minutes and cooling it and using it with water in the affected area.

Another great home remedy mentioned in Ayurveda is the combination of babul tree bark and mango tree bark Boil 30 grams of Babul bark and 30 grams of mango tree bark in 1 to 1.5 litre of water for half an hour and use the same water in the affected area in order to see the result for yourself. 

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