Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Ayurveda Epilepsy Treatments

Epilepsy is basically a chronic disorder that causes seizures which can be provoked or recurrent.  Seizures can be seen a lot in case of epilepsy. Now the basic question arises, what are seizures and what do they do? Well, seizures can be described as a sudden rush of electrical response to the brain. In the case of epilepsy, seizures have certain types.

  • Generalized seizures are the ones that distress the whole brain. 
  • Focal or partial seizures have an effect on only one part of the brain.
  • Mild seizures are difficult to identify.
  • The stronger seizures cause muscle twitch or make one lose consciousness.

Right after seizure a person is very likely to have no memory of what happened. Generally, seizures are found in males more than females. And in case of children, it’s more prevalent.

Although there isn’t any permanent cure for epilepsy, with the right medications, lifestyle and epilepsy treatment it can be put under control.

If you are wondering what may be the cause of this disorder then lack of sleep, illness or fever etc. may be. Sometimes, genetic influence may be the reason if the disorder seems to be running in the family. Traumatic injury in sensitive areas like head can be another cause. If a person has a brain tumor or any sort of damage to the brain, has ever had contact with infections like viral encephalitis and AIDS may develop this issue. Sometimes prenatal injuries where the babies catch the infection from mothers and don’t get enough oxygen and nutrition also add to the list.

In the Ayurveda world, epilepsy is called apasmara. What it believes is that accumulated doshas come together in the diseased body and make symptoms based on predominant doshas. Predominant dosha can be classified into vataja, pittaja, kaphaja and sannipataja.

To know the symptoms, there are certain signs like loss of consciousness, Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, psychic symptoms, confusion etc.

Although, symptoms may vary as per the type of seizure each time.

Ayurvedic Treatment And Home Remedies

  • Oily, fatty, spicy and stale food should never be consumed.
  • Try your best to avoid late nigh parties, late night dinners, late night study or keeping awake at night for work.
  • Regular meditation and other relaxation techniques should be used to regulate strong brain activities.
  • Yoga and Pranayama are extremely beneficial for the mind and body to restore the proper function of the brain. These are highly recommended for ayurvedic treatment.

Therefore, as per Ayurveda, the right lifestyle must be adopted if a better and quicker treatment is required. Nourishing herbs can be taken along with digestible diet. Everything adds up to the betterment so keep that in mind and get good rest.

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