Insomnia is a condition where people find it difficult to fall asleep when they have the opportunity to do so and face a lot of serious problems related to it as well. People who are suffering from insomnia face these symptoms quite often such as:-
Chronic Insomnia is something that stays with that person for a longer period of time and it usually happens due to various reasons mainly swing in sleeping habits, disorders, an influence of some medications etc.
They are various ways by which you can get insomnia treatment but certain medicines instigate the conditions further hence ayurvedic methods has some of the best treatments by which you can get your insomnia treated. Some of them are as follows:-
1. Glass of Cream Milk
Have a glass of cream milk with green cardamom powder before going to sleep. It will help you in getting necessary sleep which you require the most and also will help you in attaining necessary nutrients that will help you to stay fit and healthy.
2. Massage
Massage your feet with warm mustard oil at least 3 times a day before going to bed. It has been proved in Ayurveda that massage your feet with warm oil helps you in getting good night sleep hence you should try this tip quite often.
3. Licorice Root Powder
Another effective item which will help you to resolve your insomnia problem is licorice root powder which you should drink a glass of milk with an empty stomach and see the results all by yourself.
4. Cinnamon Powder
Cinnamon Powder is another item in your kitchen shelf which helps you to get rid off from your insomnia problems. Take half teaspoon of cinnamon and 1teaspoon of honey with 1 cup of warm milk. Drink it before going to sleep and see the results. It is also effective for hypertension treatment as well.
5. Cumin and Banana
The combination of cumin with banana is also an effective remedy for those who are suffering from insomnia. You just have to sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cumin on a sliced banana and eat it on a regular basis at night.
- Fatigue
- Lack of Energy
- Mood Swings
- Ineffectiveness in Performance in Work place and much more
Chronic Insomnia is something that stays with that person for a longer period of time and it usually happens due to various reasons mainly swing in sleeping habits, disorders, an influence of some medications etc.
They are various ways by which you can get insomnia treatment but certain medicines instigate the conditions further hence ayurvedic methods has some of the best treatments by which you can get your insomnia treated. Some of them are as follows:-
1. Glass of Cream Milk
Have a glass of cream milk with green cardamom powder before going to sleep. It will help you in getting necessary sleep which you require the most and also will help you in attaining necessary nutrients that will help you to stay fit and healthy.
2. Massage
Massage your feet with warm mustard oil at least 3 times a day before going to bed. It has been proved in Ayurveda that massage your feet with warm oil helps you in getting good night sleep hence you should try this tip quite often.
3. Licorice Root Powder
Another effective item which will help you to resolve your insomnia problem is licorice root powder which you should drink a glass of milk with an empty stomach and see the results all by yourself.
4. Cinnamon Powder
Cinnamon Powder is another item in your kitchen shelf which helps you to get rid off from your insomnia problems. Take half teaspoon of cinnamon and 1teaspoon of honey with 1 cup of warm milk. Drink it before going to sleep and see the results. It is also effective for hypertension treatment as well.
5. Cumin and Banana
The combination of cumin with banana is also an effective remedy for those who are suffering from insomnia. You just have to sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cumin on a sliced banana and eat it on a regular basis at night.
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