Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Things to know about Diabetes

Diabetes is triggered due to circumstances where blood sugar level is too high. Many times blood sugar may also be called blood glucose. High blood sugar may be a result of inadequate insulin production, or because inability of the body's cells to respond properly to insulin or maybe, both. Patients suffering from high blood sugar usually go through frequent urination, known as polyuria, uncontrollable thirst, and hunger.

There are various natural remedies that may help Diabetes to stay in control. Sometimes, these natural remedies may also eradicate the disease, with constant use.

If you are wondering what those natural remedies are, here we are going to discuss that.

Vitamin C

Vitamin c is highly recommended for better health because of its properties that enhance the immunity. For diabetes it’s considered great as its been observed that consumption of vitamin C recovers the blood sugar level significantly. Patients for Diabetes treatment are advised to include vitamin c in their diet in the form of amla, orange, tomato and blueberry or take capsules of 600 mg of Vitamin C daily.


Exercises are highly recommended for Diabetes patients as in case of type II diabetes people tend to become overweight. It helps in improving blood sugar level by monitoring your weight. Physical activities such as yoga, Zumba, aerobics, gymming, playing sports etc can help in boosting metabolism and vitality. For Diabetes it’s recommended to go through all these physical activities to keep the body in shape. If these activities seem strenuous, patient may also brisk walk for at least 30 minutes every day.


Cinnamon is advised for Diabetes because of its availability to prevent and fight the problem. By stimulating the insulin activity, which normalises the blood sugar level, cinnamon is highly beneficial for treating Diabetes. The patient can add some cinnamon in milk and drink it everyday.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the most used items in almost every household because of its anti inflammation and anti bacterial properties that heal the wounds and cure other problems. For Diabetes, it’s especially recommended due to its ability to control the blood sugar levels. Although, aloe vera tastes bitter but it can be mixed with buttermilk to get a better taste. Blood sugar levels may come down and the body would function better with daily consumption.

So these remedies must be kept in mind when recovering from Diabetes. Also, there are certain ayurvedic centre where Ayurvedic treatment for all diseases is found.

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