Friday, 29 June 2018

Side Effects of Obesity Surgery, Obesity Treatment India

Obesity is a condition where an individual has accumulated great mass of body weight that might have a drastic effect on one’s health. It has been said by many experts as well as doctors that any person whose body weight is more than 25% than normal then that individual will be considered as an obese patient. There are various causes of obesity ranging from and not limited to genetics, insulin, sugar, addictions for food, medications and so on which affects our life in a big way for which one might require high cholesterol treatment as well.

Some people go for obesity surgery in order to treat themselves effectively and efficiently but rather than doing them any good it harms them very badly as people has to go lot of side-effects such as dumping syndrome, low blood sugar, marginal ulcer and many other complications.

Dieting is an effective method to control the problem of obesity to a great extent as it controls our obsession of eating large quantity of food moreover it also reduces our body weight to a great extent. Also some researchers believe that after losing a great amount of weight through dieting one must try to keep a proper balance in respect to their weight otherwise losing so much on one go can to create problems too and hence dieting should be practiced but it should be practiced with compliance to your body mass.

Apart from dieting there are some ayurvedic remdies as well which has been considered by many as an effective obesity treatment procedure.

A person facing obesity should try to avoid oily and fatty food as according to Ayurveda it is believed that foods such as yogurt, cheese, cream, chocolate and more adds up to the misery of the person suffering from obesity causing large amount of problems to their health.

A mixture of Honey, Lime Juice and Warm Water is effective as well in reducing those extra weights present in the body. Like If you mix honey and water together with lime juice it will do wonders for your body and will help you attain fitness and a healthy life and has been considered as an effective obesity treatment.

Fresh fruits and vegetables can also help you to cut your weight in a healthy way. Ayurveda stresses that you should avoid non-vegetarian items in order to lose weight as during obesity we already possess a great amount of protein and cholesterol in our body that can cause great problems to our health and eating not vegetarian items can add to our misery.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

What You Need To Know About Urticaria Treatments

It is a red and itchy areas of skin that appears in varying shapes and sizes, ranging, from a few millimeters to several inches in diameter. They can occur in any place in our body from arms, legs to the trunks of our body and leads to serious skin conditions like release of fluid to inflammation of our skin which can cause us severe irritation.

It is generally caused due to the combination of two factors one which is cold and other which is hot that can create a lot of problems in our body. Eating incompatible foods, insect bite, side-effects from certain medications can also add up to the misery and therefore one should be very careful with his surroundings as well with his diet and the medicines that the individual is taking.

There are various kinds of allergy treatments which one can find easily in the market such as a visit to dermatologist or ointments that is easily available in your nearest chemist store which can provide you relief from the skin disorder problem such as urticaria but all these medications are not effective for a longer duration and you might have to visit the dermatologist or might have to apply the ointment at a regular basis. Moreover you also have to make sure that the ointments which you are applying don’t have a drastic effect in your skin.

Ayurveda has given us remedies for a lot of diseases for skin problems such as eczema or urticaria. Moreover the medications or methods mentioned in Ayurveda is easily accessible to you as it can be a fruit or vegetable which you daily use in your diet or it can be plants that is present in your surroundings.

Some of the home remedies effective for urticaria treatment are eating easily prepared digestable food to using mustard oil for cooking to using honey instead of sugar which can be harmful. It is basically easy and simple to get yourself treated from urticaria that too with precision.
Other effective methods mentioned in Ayurveda are mixture of turmeric powder in a glass of milk two or three times a day. Also you can massage your skin with mustard oil atleast 15 mins a day to get great results. Try to avoid all types of sweets as it is mentioned in Ayurveda that all those things play a contributing factor to your immune system that can affect your skin.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Seriousness of Allergic Rhinitis And Allergy Treatment

Allergic rhinitis which is also commonly known as hay fever is technically a skin related issue where your immune system reacts to certain elements or particles present in the surrounding which causes certain allergies that becomes unbearable to the infected person. Basically, it’s not a fever at all. It’s basically an allergy which occurs due to the presence of certain harmful elements in the environment and can be destructive if not properly treated.

There are various by which you can know whether you are suffering from allergic rhinitis or not such as severe itchiness in different parts of the body to congestion to extreme tiredness and so on. Once it is detected, proper medication should be taken by the concerned individual in order to recover from the concerned disease for which sometimes you have to get yourself treated from the best ayurvedic center in India.

Actually if we take a close look, Allergic Rhintis can be caused due to lot of factors which we see in day to day life starting from perfume to smoke to dust particles to weeds and one may not know or detect which one can play a harmful effect on our immune system and therefore it becomes very challenging to protect ourselves from allergic rhinitis.

You can find various medical remedies for allergic rhinitis treatment but for an effective result you should go for a natural and herbal option such as Ayurveda which can give you the desired results without any kind of side effects and therefore one should try to adopt ayurvedic methods in their life as much as possible.

Try to intake freshly prepared home food so that you can get relief from hay fever which can help you lead your life normally otherwise the situation might get turn chaotic that might have a drastic impact on your health.

The most important thing which you should definitely do is to avoid junk and stale food as it might be attractive and lucrative but can cause you more harm, as you tend to gain more weight which disrupts your life even further and therefore avoid the consumption of junk food as much as possible.

Consumption of the Mixture of Amla and Honey twice a day is a very good remedy for the allergy treatment of rhinitis as it can give you relief from your health issue with precision and if you add this remedy in your diet effectively and efficiently it can do wonders for you.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

What is Bipolar Disorder And How do You Treat It

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness where the concerned person has severe mood swings that in medical terms can be termed as mania when the situation is worse and that person who is suffering from bipolar disorder may go through depression as well. There are various ways by which you can detect whether an individual has bipolar disorder or not such as lack of sleep or insomnia, restlessness to Not be able to concentrate in his or her work to over aggressive behavior to huge amount of fatigue to suicidal tendencies

It has been categorised under two types. In the first type which is also known as maniac depression, the symptoms are pretty much visible and therefore measures can be taken by the doctors well in advance and can effectively conduct the bipolar disorder treatment to the concerned patient.

In the second type, it is really hard for anyone to recognize whether a person is suffering from bipolar disorder issues and therefore it is really difficult to give them proper treatment and hence it is important that one should keep a close eye on that concerned person whom you think is suffering from the problem.

There are various ways by which you can get your bipolar disorder treated but in order to get the perfect impact that too with precision, you should try Ayurveda as it is natural, it is economical and is very effective.

In Ayurveda, it has been stressed that for effective bipolar and Insomnia treatment, it is necessary for one to know what type of food he or she is eating. Fresh Fruits, juices, vegetables, , sprouts, nuts, dry fruits, honey, milk etc should be taken regularly if one wants to find relief from the bipolar problem whereas one should stop consuming foods such as black tea, coffee, meat, egg, fish and so on in order to get great results from the concerned problem..
Breathing Exercise is also important and one should imply it in his or her life in order to get relief from bipolar disorder which will give the concerned person great peace of mind and heart which will enable the person to concentrate.

Well, another way to give relief to your mind and make it tension free is yoga. Yoga calms down the level of stress and tension to a great level that helps the patient with their bipolar issues and therefore one should try to adopt yoga if the concerned person wants live a healthy and prosperous life. 

Monday, 4 June 2018

How I Can Passing a Kidney Stone by The Ayurvedic Treatment

Kidneys are a vital organ in the body responsible for removing the waste products and excessive fluids through urine. They are extremely important to strike the right chemical balance in our body. Sometimes, stones are formed inside the kidney due to which kidneys are not able to perform their function properly. These kidney stones are calcium that combines with phosphorous or oxalates. Research has shown that uric acid also aids in the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones vary in size – from as tiny as a grapefruit to as big as a tennis ball. Smaller kidney stones can pass through the urine easily, but the bigger ones need specialised kidney stone treatment.

Let’s first understand the main causes of kidney stone formation. Few causative factors include:

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and alkaline food items
  • Excess calcium in the body
  • Genetics 
  • Intestinal inflammatory diseases
  • Medication
  • High blood pressure
  • Urinary and/or kidney infections and diseases

Ayurveda provides a very effective kidney stone treatment that involves modification on diet and lifestyle. This kidney stone treatment is aimed to clean and strengthen the kidneys by rejuvenating and toning procedures. Below are some effective natural remedies from Ayurveda that are helpful in kidney and gallstones treatment.
  • Increase the intake of water to keep the body hydrated and away from toxins. Water will help in kidney stone treatment by helping the stone to pass easily.
  • Apple is an effective dietary item that aids greatly in kidney and gallstone treatment. It helps in the dissolution of the stones and also prevents formation of stones in future. 
  • Lady finger is rich in magnesium and contains anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties that prevents crystallization of minerals and chemicals in kidney, making it a good remedy for kidney stone treatment. 
  • Consuming tomato juice with pepper every morning helps in the dissolution of stones. It is advised to take fresh juice rather than the packaged one. 
  • Citrus fruits are also very effective in kidney stone treatment as it helps in breaking down the stones. Citrus fruits juices like orange, lime, cranberry helps in maintaining the good health of kidneys. 
  • Aloe vera is a great ayurvedic remedy for kidney and gallstone treatment. Consuming it daily reduces the urinary crystals that are responsible for the formation of kidney stones. 
  • It is advised that a person suffering from kidney stone must not indulge in crash diet. It is believed that dieting increases the uric acid in the blood and increases the chances of kidney stones. Therefore, eat a healthy and balanced diet for a proper kidney stone treatment.