Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Ayurveda Epilepsy Treatments

Epilepsy or falling sickness or Apasmara as known in Ayurveda is a chronic neurological disorder that leads to a person suddenly getting unconscious. An individual suffering from Epilepsy has the tendency to suffer continuous fits due to a sudden disorder in the brain’s electrical activity. Epileptic seizures often start before an individual hits his/her adulthood. This condition can be cured via ayurvedic consultation and also control the frequency of seizures and worsening of the disease.

Seizures basically have two categories -

1.Partial - If one part of the brain suffers from disorder in electrical activity, it penetrates in other areas as well which consists of complex partial seizures, simple partial seizures, and secondarily generalized seizures.
2.General - When the entire brain suffers from electrical activity disorder which includes absence seizures as well as tonic clonic convulsions.

The causes

Before understanding more about epilepsy treatment, it is essential to understand what exactly are its causes. There are some causes that we can take into account -

2.Infections such as encephalitis and meningitis
3.Brain damage of any type
4.Brain tumors
5.Genetic conditions such as tuberculosis
6.Low content of oxygen at the time of birth
7.Prenatal injury

According to Ayurveda, the seizures can be further divided into four types depending on the vitiated dosha and these include Pittaj, Vataj, Sannipatik, and Kaphaj. Vitaj type seizures last for short duration, cause more mouth foam secretion, increased rate of respiration, and abnormal movements of the body.

Pittaj seizures are characterized by worsening Pitta and one can detect them when body gets reddish and yellowish tints. In addition to body tints, the patient sweats abnormally, yellowish foam formation occurs in the mouth, severe thirst and raised body temperature in the body post seizure.

According to the Ayurvedic consultation, Sannipatik seizures is due to the worsening of Vataj, Pittaj, and Kaphajdosha.

Kaphajdosha has seizures of longer duration accompanied by whitish foam formation in the mouth. Post seizure the body experiences heaviness.

A person suffering from the disorder can undergo ayurvedic epilepsy treatments along with the following measures-

1.Herbs can play a significant role in the treatment to strengthen the functioning of brain and restore it to normality.
2.It is also essential to make some crucial changes in your lifestyle to make it healthier and balanced such as the fixed and the right time to consume meals, get sleep, and physical activities.
3.The patient should avoid consuming stale, oily, and spicy foods. A ketogenic diet is usually preferable for epileptic people.
4.Discourage keeping awake late in the night.
5.Ayurvedic consultation also includes doing yoga everyday and practice techniques to relax your brain such as meditation.
6.Put a few drops of onion juice in the nostrils to regain consciousness.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Acne That Really Work

Acne or Pimples is a condition which arises when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells and it somewhat affects 75% people below the age of thirty-one. It is a chronic problem and hence it should be dealt with care in order to control the problem from spreading.


1. Stress

Some acne is caused due to severe stress which one person faces that lead to certain conditions that lead to acne and hence one should take care that they are not taking way too much stress then required.

2. Cosmetics

There is certain cosmetic which contains a great amount of oily substance that also triggers acne in our body and therefore one should check what these cosmetics contain before buying in order to avoid any problems.

3. Medications

Certain medications also play a role in worsening the acne situation due to some type of allergies and so on and hence one should be very careful on the type of medicines they are taking.

4. Hormones

Certain acne also rises due to hormonal changes in the body especially during puberty when our body is going through certain changes and hence one should take necessary precautions during that stage or period.

Ayurvedic Treatments

1. Shatavari

Shocking isn’t it but its true Shatavari is an effective acne treatment remedy which one can use in order to get relief from acne problem as it controls the fluctuations in the hormones to a large extent. Moreover, it also helps women with their reproductive problems as well and hence it is a very effective ayurvedic herb.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is also an essential herb for boosting memory but it also helps people who suffer from acne problem as it contains some antioxidants that help in controlling the condition effectively and efficiently.

3. Neem

Neem is the go to herb for many diseases starting from a cough and cold to lots of skin diseases and hence it is also beneficial during acne troubles too and hence if you are having acne or any type of skin diseases, apply neem. It will give you relief like no other even the best ayurvedic center in India can’t give you that much relief.

4. Kutki

It is another herb which provides a huge relief from acne and skin problems as it cleans out our blood to a great extent that not only helps in to solve skin problems but also helps us to keep our liver healthy.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Natural Remedial Measures by Ayurveda to Control Acidity

Acidity is simply a condition which arises when the amount of acid released in our body is way above normal. Normally acids are released for the proper digestion of food. However, during times when we have a heavy meal or spicy food, our stomach releases Acid which is way above than normalcy which creates irritation in our stomach that results in acidity.


1. Junk Food

Missing normal food and eating way too much junk food can have a harmful effect on the body that might increase the level influx of acid in our stomach that leads to acidity and hence one should not replace normal healthy food with junk food that might be tasty at present but can lead to complications in the future.

2. Alcohol

Another main reason for acidity is due to over consumption of alcohol which is not only leads to acidity but also other harmful problems as well such as enlargement of the liver, cancer to name a few and hence one should avoid it as much as possible.

3. Lifestyle

Hectic Lifestyle in combination with stress might be a harmful factor as due to this you do not eat properly and that too at a proper time which leads to heavy acidity and hence tries to eat your food on time in order to avoid such health hazards.

4. Spicy Food

It might be very effective during summer seasons as it is proven that spicy foods help us in releasing some harmful toxins from our body but excessive spicy foods also lead to acidity and hence one should eat it within the prescribed limit.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice is a very effective remedy in solving the issue of acidity as it not cuts down the acid present in our body to a limit but also relieves us from the sensation of vomiting as well as bloating.

2. Buttermilk

Buttermilk along with turmeric and asafetida is a good remedy if one wants to get relief from the problem of acidity with full effectiveness and efficiency that too with full precision.

3. Long Pepper Powder

Another effective ayurvedic remedy for acidity treatment is long pepper powder mixed with one teaspoon of honey provides a great amount of relief to that person who is suffering from severe acidity and hence one should adopt it if he or she wants to get instant relief.

4. Cumin Seeds

Cumin Seeds is another effective remedy which can be used by us to get relief. Just crush the cumin seeds and mix it water and put in the stove and then drink it. It will give you instant relief.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Obesity Cure Through Ayurveda

Obesity can be termed as a condition where the person has accumulated so much body weight that might have a deep impact on that person’s health. It has been said by many doctors that any person whose body weight is more than 20% than normal then that person will be considered as obese.

Causes of Obesity

There are various causes due to which a person develops the condition of obesity such as:-

1. Genetics
2. Addiction for Food
3. Insulin
4. Sugar
5. Medications etc

Obesity treatment can be done through various ways such as exercise, gym and so on but if you ask me the best way by which you can lose obesity is by taking up some Ayurvedic methods that are the best as well as the natural way one can get rid of all those extra fats stored in the body effectively and efficiently.

Here are some Ayurvedic remedies through which you can make obesity a think of the past-

1. Avoid Oily and Fatty Foods

A person facing obesity should try to avoid oily and fatty food as much as possible according to Ayurveda as it has been found that continuous consumption of foods such as yogurt, cheese, cream, chocolate and more adds up to the misery of the person suffering from obesity causing discomfort to a large extent.

2. Mixture of Honey in a glass of Warm Water

Traditionally it has always been assumed in Ayurveda that a glass of warm water with honey mixed in it is the best way one can lose weight effectively and efficiently without going through rigorous gym training or even going through painful liposuction surgery.

3. Mixture of Honey, Lime Juice and Warm Water

A mixture of Honey, Lime Juice and Warm Water is also very beneficial in cutting out those extra fats present in the body. Like the previous method if you mix honey and water together this time with lime juice it will do wonders for your body and will help you gain the type of fit body which you have always desired.

4. Consume more Fruits and Vegetables  

Fresh fruits and vegetables can also do wonders if we want to cut our weight in a healthy way. Ayurveda also stresses that we should avoid meat and other non-vegetarian items in order to lose weight as a large amount of protein and carbohydrates are present in the body and it doesn’t let us gain a fit body.

Before applying all these methods in our life, we should refer ayurvedic consultation from experts as well as there might be some methods which might not suit our body and hence it is better to take up an expert opinion first before taking up these methods in our diet.

How Ayurveda Can Regulate Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a kind of fat substance which we can found in all parts of our body and can be very harmful if a certain limit which is required is cross that can create a huge problem to our health.

High levels of cholesterol can increase the chances of heart diseases along with different health hazards and hence it should be taken seriously. There are no such symptoms by which you can detect whether you have high cholesterol or not but most commonly people who have high cholesterol suffer from weight gain.

There are varieties of causes for High Cholesterol namely:-

1. Improper Diet

Having improper diet is one of the main reasons for high cholesterol levels and one should definitely try to keep a check on their diet as well.

2. Obesity

Having a greater body mass index can also put your health in jeopardy as well and hence you should try to minimize your body mass index as much as possible.

3. Lack of Exercise

Exercise or Physical Activity can also help you in keeping your body healthy and fit and hence once when you leave doing exercises you may have to feel the brunt of being overweight and therefore it is very necessary for you to do exercise regularly.

4. Smoking

Smoking is also can be seen as the main reason for which people might have a high level of cholesterol and therefore one much avoid smoking as much as possible.

There are various ways by which you can get your high cholesterol treatment but it is recommendable that you take Ayurvedic ways and medication to get proper results. Here are some Ayurvedic methods by which you can get your cholesterol treated:-

a) Home Remedies

There are different type of home remedies which are easily available as well as mentioned in Ayurveda such as drinking mixture of water and coriander every day can reduce the level of cholesterol present in the body or have a single piece of garlic every day, it does provide great results although it might take a huge amount of time.

b) Healthy and a Proper Diet

Ayurveda has always laid emphasis on maintaining a proper and a healthy diet in order to stay fit and healthy for a long run. Same is the case with cholesterol and a lot of importance is given to a number of calories which is taken by the concerned person. Less the calories the better the person will feel.

c) Herbs

There are certain herbs available in the environment which is very beneficial in solving the problem of cholesterol effectively and efficiently. Herbs such as Arjuna, Alfalfa, Coriander and Garlic among others reduce the level of bad cholesterol present in the body which gives us relief and helps us to stay healthy and fit.

d) Soy Products

It is believed that certain soy products are also beneficial in reducing the level of bad cholesterol present in the body and hence one should include it in their diet as much as possible.

High level of Cholesterol can ruin your life to a great extent and hence one should try to maintain a proper diet in order to lead a healthy and fit life. Moreover, there are some products also present in Jiva Ayurveda Online Sites which can help your goal to reduce your unwanted cholesterol with precision without any hard work.

Arthritis Causes, Signs, and Diagnosis

Arthritis is a condition where the patient suffers from swelling, inflammation, and pain in the joints. Arthritis is of many times and it is increasing day by day and it is most commonly associated with the issues and problems of the immune system of the body.

Causes of Arthritis

There are many causes of arthritis and primarily all of them impact us in a different way. However, we have identified certain causes whose impact are more that in turn leads to arthritis such as:-

1. Infections

There are certain infections which somewhat leads to degenerative arthritis and hence it is beneficial to the person to use necessary precautions in order to avoid chances or probability of contracting arthritis.

2. Inheritance from their Parents

Some arthritis cases happen in people due to some genes which they have inherited from their parents and their parents have inherited from their parents and so on. Most common form of arthritis happen due to this is osteoarthritis and in order to get relief from it, you need osteoarthritis treatment.

3. Metabolism

Certain times arthritis might also take place due to the underdevelopment or even abnormality of the metabolism which leads to problems such as gout.

4. Injuries

Injuries can be seen as one of the root problems for arthritis as the injury in certain sections of the body leads to heavy swelling and inflammation which leads to the condition if proper medication or precautions are not taken.


1. Pain

The first symptom which one may find out whether is pain. Pain can be a constant feature for arthritis patient or it can be occasional. Moreover, the pain can be found all over your body and hence proper precautions should be taken.

2. Swelling

Swelling is another symptom which is attached with arthritis and you can identify it by the redness of the skin as well as the warmness of the infected area.

3. Stiffness

Stiffness is another symptom which will help you know whether you have arthritis or not and hence once identified proper medication should be taken.

4. Issues in moving

Another major issue which one might face is difficulty or issues in moving due to a lot of pain and swelling and hence the patient with arthritis should be very careful as it might lead to complications.


1. Oil Massage

Oil Massage is an effective way to relieve some pain from the patient who is suffering from arthritis as it somewhat slows down the pain which the concerned person might be facing. Moreover, it is an effective rheumatoid arthritis treatment as well.

2. Lifestyle

One should take care of the lifestyle which one person has adopted especially during arthritis as it might affect your condition to a large extent and hence be careful with the lifestyle you choose as it might somewhat worsen your condition as well.

3. Diet

Diet is very important and one should eat only that diet that can help your bones to develop much stronger and better. Take proper care of your diet and everything will be fine.

4. Yoga

One should do exercises such as Yoga that not only helps you to soothe your soul but also helps you in your arthritis condition as well.