Epilepsy or falling sickness or Apasmara as known in Ayurveda is a chronic neurological disorder that leads to a person suddenly getting unconscious. An individual suffering from Epilepsy has the tendency to suffer continuous fits due to a sudden disorder in the brain’s electrical activity. Epileptic seizures often start before an individual hits his/her adulthood. This condition can be cured via ayurvedic consultation and also control the frequency of seizures and worsening of the disease.
Seizures basically have two categories -
1.Partial - If one part of the brain suffers from disorder in electrical activity, it penetrates in other areas as well which consists of complex partial seizures, simple partial seizures, and secondarily generalized seizures.
2.General - When the entire brain suffers from electrical activity disorder which includes absence seizures as well as tonic clonic convulsions.
The causes
Before understanding more about epilepsy treatment, it is essential to understand what exactly are its causes. There are some causes that we can take into account -
2.Infections such as encephalitis and meningitis
3.Brain damage of any type
4.Brain tumors
5.Genetic conditions such as tuberculosis
6.Low content of oxygen at the time of birth
7.Prenatal injury
According to Ayurveda, the seizures can be further divided into four types depending on the vitiated dosha and these include Pittaj, Vataj, Sannipatik, and Kaphaj. Vitaj type seizures last for short duration, cause more mouth foam secretion, increased rate of respiration, and abnormal movements of the body.
Pittaj seizures are characterized by worsening Pitta and one can detect them when body gets reddish and yellowish tints. In addition to body tints, the patient sweats abnormally, yellowish foam formation occurs in the mouth, severe thirst and raised body temperature in the body post seizure.
According to the Ayurvedic consultation, Sannipatik seizures is due to the worsening of Vataj, Pittaj, and Kaphajdosha.
Kaphajdosha has seizures of longer duration accompanied by whitish foam formation in the mouth. Post seizure the body experiences heaviness.
A person suffering from the disorder can undergo ayurvedic epilepsy treatments along with the following measures-
1.Herbs can play a significant role in the treatment to strengthen the functioning of brain and restore it to normality.
2.It is also essential to make some crucial changes in your lifestyle to make it healthier and balanced such as the fixed and the right time to consume meals, get sleep, and physical activities.
3.The patient should avoid consuming stale, oily, and spicy foods. A ketogenic diet is usually preferable for epileptic people.
4.Discourage keeping awake late in the night.
5.Ayurvedic consultation also includes doing yoga everyday and practice techniques to relax your brain such as meditation.
6.Put a few drops of onion juice in the nostrils to regain consciousness.
Seizures basically have two categories -
1.Partial - If one part of the brain suffers from disorder in electrical activity, it penetrates in other areas as well which consists of complex partial seizures, simple partial seizures, and secondarily generalized seizures.
2.General - When the entire brain suffers from electrical activity disorder which includes absence seizures as well as tonic clonic convulsions.
The causes
Before understanding more about epilepsy treatment, it is essential to understand what exactly are its causes. There are some causes that we can take into account -
2.Infections such as encephalitis and meningitis
3.Brain damage of any type
4.Brain tumors
5.Genetic conditions such as tuberculosis
6.Low content of oxygen at the time of birth
7.Prenatal injury
According to Ayurveda, the seizures can be further divided into four types depending on the vitiated dosha and these include Pittaj, Vataj, Sannipatik, and Kaphaj. Vitaj type seizures last for short duration, cause more mouth foam secretion, increased rate of respiration, and abnormal movements of the body.
Pittaj seizures are characterized by worsening Pitta and one can detect them when body gets reddish and yellowish tints. In addition to body tints, the patient sweats abnormally, yellowish foam formation occurs in the mouth, severe thirst and raised body temperature in the body post seizure.
According to the Ayurvedic consultation, Sannipatik seizures is due to the worsening of Vataj, Pittaj, and Kaphajdosha.
Kaphajdosha has seizures of longer duration accompanied by whitish foam formation in the mouth. Post seizure the body experiences heaviness.
A person suffering from the disorder can undergo ayurvedic epilepsy treatments along with the following measures-
1.Herbs can play a significant role in the treatment to strengthen the functioning of brain and restore it to normality.
2.It is also essential to make some crucial changes in your lifestyle to make it healthier and balanced such as the fixed and the right time to consume meals, get sleep, and physical activities.
3.The patient should avoid consuming stale, oily, and spicy foods. A ketogenic diet is usually preferable for epileptic people.
4.Discourage keeping awake late in the night.
5.Ayurvedic consultation also includes doing yoga everyday and practice techniques to relax your brain such as meditation.
6.Put a few drops of onion juice in the nostrils to regain consciousness.