Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Things to know about Diabetes

Diabetes is triggered due to circumstances where blood sugar level is too high. Many times blood sugar may also be called blood glucose. High blood sugar may be a result of inadequate insulin production, or because inability of the body's cells to respond properly to insulin or maybe, both. Patients suffering from high blood sugar usually go through frequent urination, known as polyuria, uncontrollable thirst, and hunger.

There are various natural remedies that may help Diabetes to stay in control. Sometimes, these natural remedies may also eradicate the disease, with constant use.

If you are wondering what those natural remedies are, here we are going to discuss that.

Vitamin C

Vitamin c is highly recommended for better health because of its properties that enhance the immunity. For diabetes it’s considered great as its been observed that consumption of vitamin C recovers the blood sugar level significantly. Patients for Diabetes treatment are advised to include vitamin c in their diet in the form of amla, orange, tomato and blueberry or take capsules of 600 mg of Vitamin C daily.


Exercises are highly recommended for Diabetes patients as in case of type II diabetes people tend to become overweight. It helps in improving blood sugar level by monitoring your weight. Physical activities such as yoga, Zumba, aerobics, gymming, playing sports etc can help in boosting metabolism and vitality. For Diabetes it’s recommended to go through all these physical activities to keep the body in shape. If these activities seem strenuous, patient may also brisk walk for at least 30 minutes every day.


Cinnamon is advised for Diabetes because of its availability to prevent and fight the problem. By stimulating the insulin activity, which normalises the blood sugar level, cinnamon is highly beneficial for treating Diabetes. The patient can add some cinnamon in milk and drink it everyday.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the most used items in almost every household because of its anti inflammation and anti bacterial properties that heal the wounds and cure other problems. For Diabetes, it’s especially recommended due to its ability to control the blood sugar levels. Although, aloe vera tastes bitter but it can be mixed with buttermilk to get a better taste. Blood sugar levels may come down and the body would function better with daily consumption.

So these remedies must be kept in mind when recovering from Diabetes. Also, there are certain ayurvedic centre where Ayurvedic treatment for all diseases is found.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

5 Effective Practices - Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

If you are looking for effective cancer treatment in Ayurveda, then you have come to the right place. Here in this guide, we have mentioned top Ayurvedic home remedies to deal with such critical health issue.

Critical illnesses can strike anytime. Sometimes it could be due to a poor lifestyle, sometimes it could be because of just hard luck. However, cancer is treatable in its early stages. Even though a lot of people believe in the practice of chemotherapy and allopathic medicines, ayurvedic home remedies have proven to be equally beneficial.

Read on to find out how cancer treatment in Ayurveda has been made possible:

Aloe Vera Consumption 

It is one plant which has multiple medicinal properties and can be used for the treatment of various diseases including cancer. It has been proven that aloe vera can stop the growth of cancer cells and destroy the ones which are already present in the body. Aloeride is one of the essential components which are known to prohibit the growth of cancer cells thereby making it one of the best possible cancer treatments in Ayurveda.


Proper diet can do wonder to the body. A healthy Ayurvedic diet can help you get rid of those cancerous cells in the body. It could be cruciferous vegetables, low glycemic indexed food etc.

Yoga and exercise

Early morning yoga and proper exercise have been known to slow down the growth of cancer cells in the body. Get in touch with a proper trainer who can guide you through the entire process.

Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda needs to treat the three predominant doshas which are basically the vata, pitta and kapha component of the body. A lot of herbs have proven anti-tumour properties which can help in battling the growth of cancer cells.


Detoxification is essential before you get started with any of the above practices. It might include cleansing your bowels or using laxatives to clear out your intestines. Properly engineering and instructed options can help you get rid of the discomfort which might follow has a result of the ayurvedic medicines.

These are some effective tricks that you can go for. You will get a safe solution for the problem of cancer as they are purely herbal tips. Hope you find this guide relevant and useful. Do comment if you have any query regarding more herbal remedies to treat cancer.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Effective Treatment of Anxiety Disorder

Generally people have fear about something in their life like any other emotion but when the worry or fear becomes so intense and excessive that it causes hindrance to day-to-day activities and distresses the person. This may lead to repeated episodes of such fear also known as panic attacks where the anxiety is intensified and reaches a peak. The best anxiety disorder treatment is determined by knowing the type of anxiety a person has which can prove effective.

Generalized anxiety disorder

In these types of anxiety, the person has constant fears which distract them from performing their daily activities and have symptoms of restlessness, upset stomach and insomnia. These people always fear that something bad is going to happen.

Panic attacks and panic disorder

People suffering from panic disorder may have constant panic attacks, even at the trigger of small things and so can never go out to perform any work for the fear of having another attack.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The people who have OCD have recurrent fear or worry that is impossible to stop and they have uncontrollable compulsions like checking if the oven is off again and again.


They are irrational fear a person has about an activity, an object or animal and a situation which may as such present no harm. For example, some people may really fear spider and go to lengths to avoid it which only strengthens the fear.

Social Anxiety

This is characterized by avoiding social situations which people may think will humiliate them and avoid it at all costs.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

It happens as an aftermath of any life-threatening or traumatic situation a person faces in their life which causes nightmares on the events and panic attacks which may lead people to withdraw from others.

Best Treatments for Anxiety Disorder

The anxiety disorder treatment has three main phases like

  • Psychotherapy in which the person talks to a counselor and includes the cognitive behavioral therapy to maintain the anxiety in check.
  • Medications which can ease the symptoms like relaxing the mind which involves the use of antianxiety medications and antidepressant medications
  • Complementary approaches which treat the other issues with anxiety like relieving the stress, hypertension treatment that eases the spike in the blood pressure and relaxation techniques which can give the body a serenity. Though anxiety does not cause blood pressure, it may spike it so including the hypertension treatment in their life will give positive results to the health.

People with anxiety disorders can lead a normal with the guidance of a medical professional who can show them the right treatment to keep the issues in check effectually. Following the guidelines of a doctor is important to lead a healthy and happy life.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Migraine Headaches - Effective Natural Migraine Headaches Treatment

A migraine is basically a condition where our brain goes through some specific changes that drastically affect our lives in a big way and it results into severe headaches due to which we are not able to give our full concentration in our respective work.

There are various ways by which you can contract migraine condition. One way by which you can acquire a migraine is through stress as it has been found in most cases that due to heavy pressure and workload, people are diagnosed with a severe stress that has given rise to the problem of a migraine.

Another way by which you can have a migraine is through the consumption of certain food items that have some nutrient which worsens your condition to a great extent and hence it is recommended to them to take effective measures and migraine treatment in case your situation is worse.

Hormones also play an influential role in making your migraine situation worse and hence it is recommended to all to notice changes in order to detect migraine at an early stage effectively and efficiently.


Symptoms of migraine problem ranges and is not limited to vomiting, severe eye pain which if not treated properly can become very severe and might have a drastic effect on your health, sensitivity towards light and noise which can have a drastic and severe effect on your health as even a small noise or a ray of light can irritate you to a great level and of course pain where you might have to take a complete bed rest for a couple of days in order to recover effectively and efficiently.

Ayurvedic Remedies for migraine

There are various remedies in Ayurveda for A migraine which is easily available even in your kitchen whose intake can do wonders for you starting from the inhalation of the steam prepared with vinegar and water which can be very effective headache treatment for you.

Also, you should try and avoid spicy foods as much as possible as Ayurveda believes that excessive consumption of spicy food somewhat effects you drastically and hence it is better if you consume food that is light and which is not spicy at all.

Also, it is beneficial that you if possible avoid coming in direct contact with sunlight. Try to avoid it as much as possible as mentioned above even a small dim of light can make your situation worse and therefore it is recommended to you to avoid sunlight as much as possible.

Ayurveda and Cancer

Cancer is a deadly disease that scares everyone as it is considered to be a destructive disease that affects the health massively. The harm is caused when the altered cells divide uncontrollably in order to form lumps or masses of tissue called the tumor. Now, if you are wondering what the tumor do, then you should know that tumors, when grown can interfere with the system and cause trouble in digestion, circulation, and in the nerves. Besides they release hormones that cause an alteration in the body. Many may also call cancer malignancy as it is considered to be an abnormal growth of cells.

Cancer isn’t just one kind of disease. It has 100 types that may include breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. The symptoms of each of these cancers vary as per the type based on out- of -control growth of cells. The patient may have to go though chemotherapy, radiation, and sometimes even surgery.

But there is also another way to manage it. That is the Ayurvedic way, which is a 1000 year old medicinal practice that translates to “science of life”. It has its own set of approach towards any health related matter.  Ayurveda believes that a person is made up of five primary natural elements: space, fire, water, air, and earth.  When these elements come together they manifest and combine in the body in physiological ways. The term Doshas is used to see how these elements express themselves and they are − Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Dosha-balancing is the most important part of the Ayurvedic healing system. As per Ayurveda,  the bodily imbalance appear because of over expression or under expression of one or more dosha and that leads to the beginning of all health problems. There are many stages of Dosha imbalance from the base such as Accumulation, Aggravation Overflow, Localization, Manifestation, Disease.

But what leads to such a life-threatening disease would be interesting to know. Well, in that case cancer is caused due to multiple factors that may include factors like overuse of alcohol, obesity, no physical activity, exposure to ultraviolet rays, addiction to cigarettes, cigars or tobacco, a mutation in the DNA  that results in the damage to the genes responsible for cell division and genetic predisposition.

Ayurveda deeply acknowledges that cancer cells are always there in the body but when the person is in a good shape which means that the Doshas are balanced, it isn’t a problem. Dosha balance can be observed when the body is coordinating well with the external environment. The best ayurvedic centre in India makes sure that the patient is taken care of and his needs are given proper attention

But in case of disruption in the functioning in the body some symptoms can be visible like unusual fever, bleeding, lethargy and fever, sudden changes in the skin, rapid weight loss, trouble digesting, etc.
Ayurveda believes that prevention is the key.  If one is looking for cancer treatment in Ayurveda he would have to start by changing the lifestyle, include more live foods, vegetables, and organic food. Moreover, stress management, getting adequate amounts of sleep and exercise would help in reducing the toxic burden and increase vitality. So, the healthy lifestyle must be adopted.

As per Ayurveda, panchakarma therapy is the most beneficial factor in cancer treatment where the bodily toxins are eliminated through panchakarma. It’s recommended to stay away from oily food, radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be done post cancer treatment. It’s also suggested to eat fresh fruits and vegetables to get healthy sooner. Cancer treatment in Ayurveda believes in restoration with the help of rasayanas as it helps in coming out of the issue.

Ayurveda is wonderful with its approaches and aims to clear out the toxins from the tissues. With the passing days and advance research, it’s growing rapidly because people are turning to nature. Cancer is dangerous for health and one must take care of their health at every point of their health. Better safe than sorry, isn’t it?

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Beating the Skin Diseases Game With Jiva

Skin basically is that part of the body which people tend to show more care and hence for that reason, they are not even shy to invest a huge amount of money in moisturizers and creams in order to achieve their goal of smooth and glowing skin.
Skin disease is a problem which is caused due to the problem in tissues, fats, and oils. Most brands try to solve the problem which we see on the outside but in order to solve the problem of the inside, we require certain medications and therapies that can do our job effectively and efficiently.

There are many reasons for which one has to go through skin diseases namely wrong diet and lifestyle which a person adopts and hence it is essential that a person should take necessary measures and follow lifestyle for the betterment of their well being.

It is also essential that one maintain or adopts proper diet too as sometimes some skin diseases are caused when we tend to show less care of what we are eating and so on and hence it is essential that we take necessary care for that as well otherwise we might have to resort to various remedies such as vitiligo treatment and so on.

There are various treatments and remedies which you can find for skin diseases such as a juice of apricot leaves that can cure the skin diseases with a great effect effectively and efficiently and that too with precision.

Another remedy which is as much effective as leucoderma treatment is the usage of neem which for centuries has been the go-to remedy that has been used effectively and efficiently for the treatment of our skin and that can also be used for the remedy of your hair as well.

Aloe-vera is also effective for skin diseases as well as it can be used by you for the treatment of all sorts of skin diseases right from eczema to acne, it can solve your problem with precision. And you can consider it as one kind of psoriasis ayurvedic treatment as well.

Turmeric is also beneficial for skin treatment as well all you have to do is mix the neem leaves with turmeric and making it as a paste and apply it in your effective areas and you can see the result all by yourself as you will find relief from your problem with full precision without worrying about that much.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Ayurveda Epilepsy Treatments

Epilepsy is basically a chronic disorder that causes seizures which can be provoked or recurrent.  Seizures can be seen a lot in case of epilepsy. Now the basic question arises, what are seizures and what do they do? Well, seizures can be described as a sudden rush of electrical response to the brain. In the case of epilepsy, seizures have certain types.

  • Generalized seizures are the ones that distress the whole brain. 
  • Focal or partial seizures have an effect on only one part of the brain.
  • Mild seizures are difficult to identify.
  • The stronger seizures cause muscle twitch or make one lose consciousness.

Right after seizure a person is very likely to have no memory of what happened. Generally, seizures are found in males more than females. And in case of children, it’s more prevalent.

Although there isn’t any permanent cure for epilepsy, with the right medications, lifestyle and epilepsy treatment it can be put under control.

If you are wondering what may be the cause of this disorder then lack of sleep, illness or fever etc. may be. Sometimes, genetic influence may be the reason if the disorder seems to be running in the family. Traumatic injury in sensitive areas like head can be another cause. If a person has a brain tumor or any sort of damage to the brain, has ever had contact with infections like viral encephalitis and AIDS may develop this issue. Sometimes prenatal injuries where the babies catch the infection from mothers and don’t get enough oxygen and nutrition also add to the list.

In the Ayurveda world, epilepsy is called apasmara. What it believes is that accumulated doshas come together in the diseased body and make symptoms based on predominant doshas. Predominant dosha can be classified into vataja, pittaja, kaphaja and sannipataja.

To know the symptoms, there are certain signs like loss of consciousness, Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, psychic symptoms, confusion etc.

Although, symptoms may vary as per the type of seizure each time.

Ayurvedic Treatment And Home Remedies

  • Oily, fatty, spicy and stale food should never be consumed.
  • Try your best to avoid late nigh parties, late night dinners, late night study or keeping awake at night for work.
  • Regular meditation and other relaxation techniques should be used to regulate strong brain activities.
  • Yoga and Pranayama are extremely beneficial for the mind and body to restore the proper function of the brain. These are highly recommended for ayurvedic treatment.

Therefore, as per Ayurveda, the right lifestyle must be adopted if a better and quicker treatment is required. Nourishing herbs can be taken along with digestible diet. Everything adds up to the betterment so keep that in mind and get good rest.