Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Natural PCOS Treatment Starts With The Right PCOS Diet

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS is a very common female health disorder. If looked minutely, PCOS is a complex disorder which is caused due to many factors, including insulin resistance, obesity, irregular and excessive menstrual bleeding etc. Though it is commonly seen in women in their reproductive age, PCOS is also considered to be one of the major causes of female infertility. We would be discussing natural PCOS treatment. But before that it is important to know what causes PCOS and what are its symptoms.

Ayurveda firmly believes that the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha are responsible for the good health and functioning of the body. In a healthy persona, all these three doshas work in harmony and balance to ensure important bodily functions. Any kind of imbalance in these doshas can cause health disorders and diseases. Ayurveda also lays emphasis on Shukra dhatu which helps in maintaining the reproductive health of the individual. An aggravation of the doshas can influence the Shukra dhatu. When the efficiency of Shukra dhatu is affected in women, there is an extra production of male hormones in the body that leads to PCOS. There are many symptoms exhibited by PCOS patients, namely:

  • Weight gain
  • Excess growth of hair on the face and body
  • Depression
  • Pimples
  • Anxiety
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Deep voice
  • Infertility
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Decrease in the breast size
  • Excessive menstrual bleeding

Ayurveda provides a completely safe and natural PCOS treatment. It firmly believes in balancing the three doshas and thereby providing holistic solution for female health problems like PCOS or menopause treatment. Below mentioned are some natural remedies that go a long way in female infertility like menorrhagia treatment.

  • For a proper PCOS treatment, it is important to reduce the intake of dairy products. The patient can include buttermilk instead of curd in the diet.
  • All kind of junk food and sugary items must be excluded from the daily diet. 
  • A proper menopause treatment focusses on the consumption of healthy herbs like garlic, cinnamon and fenugreek seeds. 
  • Any ayurvedic treatment is incomplete without yoga or light exercise. Females with disturbed Shukra dhatu must practice yoga aasanas like Naukaasana, Bhadraasana, Padmaasana and Shalabhaasana for a good menorrhagia treatment. 
  • Herbs like Shilajit has anti-inflammatory properties that increases immunity and energy levels. Apart from improving the health of the heart, Shilajit also increases iron levels in the body and is therefore considered to be a super herb for PCOS treatment. 
  • Other herbs like Neem, Amalaki, Ashoka and Ashwagandha are also hugely effective for menopause treatment. These are completely natural and do not pose any kind of side effect. 

Ayurveda is not just about medicines. It lays emphasis on taking care of what you are eating and how you are leading your life. If you eat good food and lead a healthy life, you can reverse the impact of any lifestyle disorder including PCOS.

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