Saturday, 28 April 2018

What to Consider When Selecting an Effective Anemia Treatment

Anemia is a condition where the body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells which are required to pass on adequate oxygen to the body's tissues. People who suffer from anemia feel exhausted and weak more often that not. It may put their life on hold when the problem increases with time. Anemia comes in many forms and types with different causes of its own. Sometimes anemia be a temporary or long term, depending upon its type and cause. And that very type is the reason behind its severity and mildness. The symptoms of anemia may include Pale or yellowish skin, Shortness of breath, Irregular heartbeats, Cold hands and feet, Chest pain, Weakness, etc. if you experience these symptoms, its suggested to see the doctor immediately and get the necessary medications.

Although, there are many medications that can help you deal with the problem but there are certain natural anemia treatment remedies that would solve the problem and provide substantial relief without causing any damage. There are many such natural remedies you can incorporate in your daily life to get relief from anemia.

You may even wonder what they are, well, here we are going to discuss that.

Increase in Vitamin C Intake

When anemia happens, your immune system weakens and with that the body often gets prone to infections and certain inflammatory diseases. this may cause a fall in the productivity of the performance. Its suggested that when you take Vitamin C, your body automatically strengthens from inside and it lets the body to absorb iron as well. You can eat oranges or have a glass of lemon water on everyday basis.


If you are suffering from kapha-type anemia, you should pay attention to yoghurt. It would be beneficial to take it two times a day with a pinch of turmeric. People often suffer from cold and clammy skin and extreme sweating whenever there is the kapha-type anemia. As the kapha dosha is balanced, the body would be able to heal in no time.

Increase Green Vegetables Intake

Whenever the level of anemia increases, its suggested that as you increase the intake of green vegetables such as celery, spinach mustard greens and broccoli, your health may improve. As these vegetables are the good source of iron, so the body would get enough supply of iron to heal and grow. Green vegetables are also helpful in sickle cell anemia treatment.

Although anemia is a tough condition, but it can be managed with healthy and proper lifestyle.  

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Natural Eczema Treatment - Eliminate Your Eczema Naturally

Eczema- a common skin disease affects millions of people worldwide. Often characterized by itching and dry skin on the neck, hands, legs and face, Eczema can be found on highly painful because of the constant urge to itch the affected part. This repetitive sensation increases the need to scratch further that can even cause bleeding.

Modern science is not able to decipher the exact cause of Eczema. Although some factors like irritants such as dyes, preservatives, wool, synthetic clothing etc. can cause the infection. To understand Eczema treatment, it is important to understand that Eczema can be even triggered by simple food items like citrus fruits, chocolates, nuts, mushrooms, meet etc. It is also observed that the chances of getting infected by Eczema increases if someone in the family is suffering from this disease. Research has also established the linkage between Asthma and Eczema. Though stress is not a cause, but it can trigger Eczema.

According to Ayurveda, poor lifestyle and unhealthy dietary habits results in vitiation of digestive fire that produces partially digested food containing toxic nature (ama). These toxins (ama) result in Eczema. Owing to different factors, all the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha are imbalanced leading to pathological alterations of tissues, skin, flesh, blood and water in the body. If a proper Eczema treatment is not provided on time, other dhatus or tissues in the body are gravely affected.

Ayurveda provides the effective solution in the form of Ayurvedic home remedies. Following these remedies can be extremely beneficial for the patient and provides wholistic Eczema treatment. These remedies are natural, safe and come without any side effect.
  1. Remove spicy, fatty, sour, difficult to digest food items from your diet.
  2. Take warm, short showers. While having bath use mild soap and smooth towel. Rather than rubbing, gently pat the skin to dry.
  3. Instead of synthetic clothing that prevents perspiration, opt for loose cotton clothes that allows our skin to breathe.
  4. Reduce stress and overthinking.
  5. Avoid physical exercise and/or sexual intercourse within 3 hours of having the meal.
  6. Do not go to hot and humid surroundings. 
  7. Avoid excessive intake of alcohol.
  8. Do not suppress your natural urges. 
  9. Drink tea prepared from the bark of neem tree. 
  10. Apply neem oil on the affected area to reduce dryness. 
  11. Make a mixture with 100 ml coconut oil and 1 teaspoon purified camphor. Apply this on the affected area on the skin to avoid itching.
  12. Include fresh fruits and juices in your daily diet. 

These Ayurvedic home remedies are supremely effective in Eczema treatment. however, if the problem persists for a long time, it is advised to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for an advanced Eczema treatment.   

Monday, 23 April 2018

Choosing The Right Mode Of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction is a situation that happens in males where a person is not able to produce fertile or healthy sperm which is essential for the sexual intercourse. In that situation the sperm count becomes very low. If a healthy adult male is prone to tension, stress, anxiety, fatigue and other chronic ailments this situation arises. A person is required to have an infertility treatment if they are suffering from ED.

In Ayurveda this male problem is divided into 4 types namely Dhajabhangja Klaibya, Bijopaghataaja Klaibya, Kshayaja Klaibya and Jaraja klaibya all happens because of vitiated vata dosha. Ayurveda aims at balancing the dosha to bring out stability in the system.

People who indulge themselves in consumption of alcohol, nicotine, cocaine etc. are prone to this disease.  It is better not do consume such things or one will have to take erectile dysfunction treatment

Here are some of the lifestyle hacks for you -:

  1. Consume food which is free from chemicals. Natural diet is very important.
  2. Add cashews, almonds milk products to your diet that will enhance the sexual vigor within you. 
  3. Alcohol, beverages, smoking is a big NO NO for you. That will increase troubles for you. 
  4. Take care of your stomach functions, avoid eating stuff which would hamper the digestion process.
  5. Foods like potatoes, beans, peas, brinjal etc. are responsible for production of gas in the body which is something you do not want so it is better to avoid these foods. 
  6. Consume fresh vegetables and add drinks like lemon juice to your diet.
  7.  Add yogasanas and pranayamas to your lifestyle they will keep your body fresh and active. 

The use of arouse oil is also proved to be beneficial for the ED treatment. It is beneficial in premature ejaculation treatment as well. Here are some of its benefits-:
  1. It has ashwagandha and shatavari which helps in improving the sperm count and production of healthy semen. 
  2. It also consists nagkeshar and jaiphal which helps in the prevention of premature ejaculation. 
  3. It also has jyotishmati which help in improving the overall strength of nerves of the penis which proves to be effective in providing the response to the signals in the brain.

You can make use of this oil if you are also suffering from ED. Also make sure you stay away from stress and tension as well.

Friday, 20 April 2018

Effective Ayurvedic Treatment To Regulate Hypertension Problem

Hypertension is the situation in which the circulation of blood happens abnormally in the body. If hypertension prevails for a long time in the body it may lead to various heart diseases, strokes and sometimes even death. Hypertension is also caused if kidneys does not function properly. The waste fluids stay inside the body and cause hypertension. Excessive amount of caffeine or sweeteners must also be avoided if you are suffering from hypertension.

Ayurveda provides the best type of hypertension treatment Since Ayurveda works on the root cause of the problems, it focus on the digestion of the body. Most of the hypertension problems according to Ayurveda happens due to the problems in a digestive system. It works on providing strength to the digestive system and improve the digestive fire. After that, it eliminates the toxins that may settle in the heart and cause problems and lastly it works on maintaining a mental order so that person can stay calm and composed.

Apart from taking medicines you can also emphasize on taking home treatment for the disease. Plenty of home remedies are available which you can exercise and get rid of the hypertension problem. Let’s take a look at them -:


Onion is an effective remedy if you are suffering from heart diseases. Onion has flavonol quercetin which is proved effective in lowered the blood pressure in the body and hence hypertension is also prevented. Moreover onion has anti-bacterial properties which kills bacteria in the track. You can consume onion on daily basis in any way you like.


Amla is considered to be one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. It is rich in vitamin C that is why it is good for the health of the heart.  It is also helpful in reducing blood cholesterol levels. Amla if you can take in form of a juice, is best to cure your hypertension.


Watermelon is high on water content that is why it keeps the body hydrated. Water melon keeps the heart healthy and if it is consumed on daily basis it will reduce blood pressure and hypertension.

Let’s look at some of things you need to be conscious of while you are undergoing hypertension and anxiety disorder treatment -:

  1. Avoid drinking too much of coffee and tea.
  2. Smoking is a big NO NO for you.  
  3. Use garlic, lemon, amla etc. on the daily basis.  

Monday, 9 April 2018

What Types of Osteoarthritis Treatment Are Available?

Osteoarthritis has been getting popular lately. People these days are leading a lifestyle that isn’t much healthy. Mostly they eat unhealthy food and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. When such unhealthy food interacts with the system, it often damages the internal system and as a result, bodily disorders like Osteoarthritis crops up.

Basically, Osteoarthritis is a kind of arthritis where the breakdown and loss of the cartilage of one or more joints are observed. There are over 100 different types of arthritis conditions and amongst them, Osteoarthritis is the most common. Usually, this condition occurs more frequently as people age. Its been observed that before the age of 45, this condition is very popular in men and after the age of 55, its evidently more popular in females.

The parts that are affected by Osteoarthritis are hands, spine, feet and large weight-bearing joints, such as the knees and hips. Because of Osteoarthritis, there can be a loss of range of motion and function. Body may experience warmth, swelling and creaking of the affected joints along with pain and stiffness in them.

People often find it difficult to carry out every day work because of all the pain and discomfort. It gets to function well at work or in social situations. Experts suggest that incase the symptoms show up, the patients should immediately contact a doctor and get all the help.

In the meantime, there are certain ayurvedic, natural treatments available. These remedies have no side effects, so you don’t have to worry about having the ill effects. These osteoarthritis treatment natural remedies would prove to beneficial for you when you include them in your daily life.

Now you may wonder what these remedies are, well, here we are going to discuss that.


Ginger is a highly common cooking ingredient that has many benefits. Its said to be amazing for hair, skin and digestive system. Along with that there are many other advantages that comes from ginger. The presence of anti-inflammatory properties in ginger make it a wonderful remedy to deal with Osteoarthritis. When you take ginger, its anti-inflammatory properties interfere with an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. And that produces inflammatory chemicals in the body.


Triphala has been popular in India for about thousands of years to treat osteoarthritis. The presence of the essence of three herbs called amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki give triphala many benefits and capacity to battle disorders like Osteoarthritis. You can take triphala for sciatica treatment as well.

For Osteoarthritis treatment, you can include these remedies and find wonderful results.  

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Natural UTI Treatments That Get Results

A urinary tract infection is an infection that is caused from microbes. You cannot see these organisms without a microscope. Mostly it’s been noticed that UTIs are caused by bacteria, but some are even caused because of fungi or viruses.

UTI can take place anywhere in the urinary tract, which is composed of ureters, kidneys, bladder, and urethra. Usually UTIs occur in the urethra and bladder, which are in the lower tract. UTIs in the lower part of the lower tract are more than upper tract.

UTIs can create a lot of pain and difficulty when urinating. Sometimes the pain is so much that its impossible to carry on with everyday life routine. People often resort to painkillers to stop the pain but its not always healthy to use them. In such cases, there are many natural, simple remedies available that can help in uti treatment. Now you wonder what they are, well, here we are going to discuss that.

Urinate Often

It’s the most common advice for people suffering from UTI. Since the infection occurs in the urinary tract, its important to flush out the bacteria and all the harmful compounds from there. When you urinate often, the bacteria get out of the system. Many studies have found that when you hold urine for a longer duration of time, bacteria tend to multiply within the urinary tract which results in urinary tract infection.


Cranberry juice is a common food item that is consumed when a person is suffering from UTI as it decreases the chance to develop UTI. Cranberry juice should be taken on a constant basis as a preventive strategy so that uti does get the chance to grow. It has the capacity to inhibit and colonize the growth of bacteria that cause UTI.


Garlic is a highly popular food item that is heavily used in Indian household for cooking. Its has many health related benefits and has the potential to cure many health problems. You can eat garlic when suffering from uti as it contains Allicin, a component that aids in antimicrobial activities. Allicin supports antibacterial activity that reduces inflammation.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

It’s a must to drink as much water as you can as it would help in flushing bacteria out of the body. Other than keeping the body hydrated, water helps in flushing out unnecessary toxins. Its advised to drink water for ulcerative colitis treatment as well.

You can incorporate these pointers when suffering from UTI  to get relief!

Monday, 2 April 2018

Sickle Cell Anemia - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

When a human body starts producing blood cells in an abnormal shape, i.e. of a sickled shape it is termed as sickle cell anemia. These abnormal cells does not lasts longer and only live for a shorter period of time, than the normal round blood cells. Such a situation in the body causes anemia.

A person suffering from sickle cell anemia, will feel dizzy and weak from inside. The body won’t be able to produce iron through which it can make hemoglobin hence it will cause deficiency of blood. In this condition heart can’t pump enough of pure blood and can lead to organ damage.

Sickle cell anemia treatment in available in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda this condition happens when there is an abnormality in the ovum or sperm i.e. beejadosha. It defects the raktavaha srotas because of which the blood cells become abnormal.

To fight this disease one’s body cells needs to be provided with sufficient oxygen so that they function properly. There is a need for improving the hemoglobin levels in the body as well.

Let’s look at some of the Ayurvedic herbal home treatments one can take to fight the disease -:

Beet Roots

Beet roots are really essential for people who needs anemia treatment it cures the deficiency of blood in the body by building red blood cells. Beet roots are rich in folate, vitamin A, C, B1, B2, and B3 which is why it is an essential ingredients to fulfill the nutrimental requirements in the body. Also one must eat fruits which increase the hemoglobin levels such as pomegranate.

Exercise Regularly

Sickle cell anemia happens when the proper oxygen does not reach the red blood cells of the body. Exercise improves the blood circulation by transporting the oxygen to the cells in the body.

Stay Hydrated

Even the smallest of activities done during the time a person is suffering from sickle cell anemia dehydrates the body. Ample amount of water is required to be consumed so that the deficiency of water can be avoided.


If you are suffering from SCA, spinach will do a world of good to you. It act a rejuvenator to the existing red blood cells and helps in building them. It also produces more red blood cells. Moreover it fulfills the deficiency of iron in the body.

If you add these ingredients in your food and keep up with your water intake and exercise, you can fight the problem of sickle cell anemia naturally.