Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Understand The Implications Of Natural Ways For Acne Treatment

Tired and stressed about the ugly acne on your face and skin? Well, these acnes are not just painful and bad looking, they also leave behind scars on the skin. Many people opt for cosmetic treatments like lotion, chemicals, ointments etc. but what they do not realise is that these chemical treatments can cause more damage than repair. Before taking any acne treatment, it is important to understand the basic cause of acne.

Few general causes of acne formation on the skin includes:

  • Dead skin cells
  • Very oily skin
  • Clogged skin pores
  • Bacterial infection

According to Ayurveda, there are many causative factors for acne, including:

  • Excessive intake of fried and junk food, which aggravates kapha and pitta dosha
  • Too much usage of chemical products on the skin
  • Stress, anxiety and depression leading to imbalance in metabolism
  • Hormonal imbalance

As mentioned earlier, cosmetic acne treatment for acne come with a lot of side effects. Though it does provide relief from acne in most of the cases, it does not focus on the underlying cause of the problem. Ayurveda, on the other hand, provides a holistic, safe and herbal acne treatment that removes the problem from the root. That is why many people are moving toward ayurvedic centres to get a balanced and natural treatment for their acne problem.

Here we are providing you simple, effective and completely safe remedies for acne treatment that would provide you the much-needed respite from acne in the most natural way.

  • Tulsi, an ayurvedic herb is very effective for acne treatment. All you have to do is to crush some tulsi leaves and massage the extracted juice on the face. Allow your face to absorb this juice for at least 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with fresh water. 
  • Amla paste is also considered to be a great remedy for acne treatment. applying it daily on the face for about 15 minutes can do wonders to skin and help in the acne removal as well. 
  • Honey is a miraculous remedy for acne treatment. Applying honey drops on the affected area can provide best results to the skin. 
  • Turmeric is a great antiseptic and comes with anti-inflammatory properties that help in acne treatment. you can make a paste of turmeric with water and apply it on the face. Once dry, wash your face with water. If you have dry skin, opt for honey instead of water. 
  • Applying lemon juice on the acne also helps greatly in acne treatment. Apart from removing the acne, it also protects the skin from infections. 

It is advised to consult a good ayurvedic practitioner in ayurvedic centre before commencing any treatment. A proper acne treatment based on the patient’s individual doshas and prakriti, can help in the removal of acne and the ugly scars.  

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Tips To Treat PCOS Treatment With Proper Diet

one of the most common hormonal imbalances, found in women, that you may get to see today is PCOS. Usually its characterized by insulin resistance. With many years of research, it’s been found that when PCOS happens, it may cause certain level of disruption in the endocrine in in women of reproductive age. As you know endocrine system is the reason behind the regulation of all hormones, so any sort of disruption may lead the body to go through unpleasant changes. Its known that for over 75 years, PCOS has been recognized and diagnosed for pcos treatment.

There are many symptoms of PCOS that can bother you. The indication may include Partial or total infertility because of menstrual cycle disruption, low sex drive, weight problems etc., sudden Weight gain or loss of weight, high testosterone, Acne, Fatigue, Changes in mood etc. this particular health disorder may be caused because of Family history of PCOS, genetic predisposition to hyperandrogenism, Smoking etc. in such cases, its recommended that you see a doctor immediately and take necessary precautions. However, there are certain natural remedies that can help you deal with the problem effectively. Here we are going to discuss that.

Vitamin D

experts talk about the advantages of vitamin D every now and then. Its has tremendous benefits that can help the human body to heal and grow stronger. when suffering from PCOS, it’s been noticed that vitamin D helps in improving insulin sensitivity, regulating periods, declining oxidative stress, minimizing inflammation, reducing high triglycerides and androgens in the bloodstream. This would help the person get enormous help from PCOS. It can be used for menopause treatment as well.


Many doctors recommend the use of Flaxseed When suffering from PCOS because of its ability to decrease androgen levels. The presence of lignans helps in the regulation of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) as Flaxseed can help testosterone to bind in the blood and that helps the body to be protected from further damage. There is a high presence of fiber in flaxseed and because of that glucose metabolism is slowed down and cholesterol levels is somehow lowered. Also, when there is inflammation and the problem of blood pressure  , flaxseed  can provide soothing effect in the body and protect the body from chronic diseases like heart disease.

You can include these natural remedies for PCOS as well as menorrhagia treatment

Friday, 18 May 2018

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Steps to Find The Right Solution

Erectile dysfunction is fast becoming a common lifestyle problem affecting around 40-50% Indian men in the age group of 40-50 years. After 50 years, this percentage increases up to 50-70%. Medically, erectile dysfunction can be termed as the inability of a man to maintain erection during a sexual activity. The penis is not able to survive the sexual arousal owing to trouble in nerve or blood supply.

The main causes of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation are:

  • Alcohol
  • Gradual ageing
  • Stress
  • Surgeries
  • Medications
  • Injury to the sex organs
  • Drugs
  • Psychological troubles
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Bad lifestyle
  • Poor eating habits
  • Pollution

Modern medicine is not able to provide satisfactory erectile dysfunction treatment. Many patients have experienced complicated side effects after allopathic and modern infertility treatment. because of these reasons, there is a gradual and steady shift towards 100% safe and natural premature ejaculation treatment from Ayurveda.

Erectile dysfunction treatment includes understanding the physiological and psychological causes which are very individualistic in nature. Certain remedies that are very effective in infertility treatment are listed below.

  • Safed musli is an Ayurvedic herb that increases the sperm count. consuming 2 grams of this herb helps in the erectile dysfunction treatment. 
  • Add flowers and seeds of tulsi into a glass of milk and drink it daily. 
  • Powdered walnut mixed in equal quantity with honey also helps in the premature ejaculation treatment.
  • Add milk, dates, wheat, mango, pomegranates, dry fruits, gooseberry, pepper, ginger, long pepper in the diet. 
  • Avoid food items that are too salty, hot, spicy, sour or pungent. 
  • It is also advised to eliminate deep fried food from the daily diet for a good premature ejaculation treatment
  • The patient must follow a diet and lifestyle that balances the pitta dosha. Excessive exposure to hot weather, alcohol etc. must be avoided as much as possible. 
  • Since diabetes is a main cause of erectile dysfunction, the patient must keep the blood sugar levels in control.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle and practice regular exercise and yoga.  
  • Ayurveda provides herbal and natural erectile dysfunction treatment that promotes male vigour and stamina by safe and herbal remedies. Ayurvedic erectile dysfunction treatment helps in improving the immunity as well as providing endurance, strength and power.  

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Home Remedies for Hives Urticaria Natural Treatment

Urticaria is otherwise known as hives. You can see that there is an outbreak of pale, swollen red bumps or plaques on the skin. Usually these plaques tend to appear suddenly. Usually there can be itching, burn or sting in the part of body where hive has occurred. You can experience in any part of the body such as face, tongue, lips throat, or ears and it may vary in size. Sometimes they can last for one day or an hour and take some time to fade away.

There can be many causes of hives. One of the reasons is being allergic to certain foods such as, tree nuts, shellfish, milk, certain fruits, being exposed to medication which may include antibiotics and non­steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Not just medications, but physical contact with your pets and animals, Pollen, and getting insect bites can also result in Urticaria. This is one big reason you can see experts asking you to stay away from stray dogs and other animals you spot Laying here and there. Its important you take good care of yourself and maintain your hygiene.

The best thing to do is contact a doctor and seek the right medication for urticaria treatment. There are many ways to treat Urticaria but not all of these remedies would be helpful for you. But you can still find some home remedies that would be extremely beneficial for you. Here we are going to discuss the home remedies.

Oatmeal Bath

One of the most effective treatments for Hives is oatmeal bath. Oatmeal has the ability to reduce skin inflammation due to the presence of naturally high salicylic acid content. When you take Oatmeal Bath, your skin gets cleared because the eruption in the skin go away. Make sure that the oatmeals remain uncooked and put them in the running water as your bath fills up.

Baking Soda 

Baking soda is known to be effective for many causes. For skin problems such as urticaria, you can use it as a soother and cleanser. Otherwise known as nahcolite, Baking soda has immense ability to calm hives and prevent new ones from arising. You can wash off your body with Baking soda and Let it dry completely. Usually people experience instant relief from hives using Baking soda.

Home remedies may seem gentle, but they are really effective. You can also use them for ulcerative colitis treatment.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Natural PCOS Treatment Starts With The Right PCOS Diet

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS is a very common female health disorder. If looked minutely, PCOS is a complex disorder which is caused due to many factors, including insulin resistance, obesity, irregular and excessive menstrual bleeding etc. Though it is commonly seen in women in their reproductive age, PCOS is also considered to be one of the major causes of female infertility. We would be discussing natural PCOS treatment. But before that it is important to know what causes PCOS and what are its symptoms.

Ayurveda firmly believes that the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha are responsible for the good health and functioning of the body. In a healthy persona, all these three doshas work in harmony and balance to ensure important bodily functions. Any kind of imbalance in these doshas can cause health disorders and diseases. Ayurveda also lays emphasis on Shukra dhatu which helps in maintaining the reproductive health of the individual. An aggravation of the doshas can influence the Shukra dhatu. When the efficiency of Shukra dhatu is affected in women, there is an extra production of male hormones in the body that leads to PCOS. There are many symptoms exhibited by PCOS patients, namely:

  • Weight gain
  • Excess growth of hair on the face and body
  • Depression
  • Pimples
  • Anxiety
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Deep voice
  • Infertility
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Decrease in the breast size
  • Excessive menstrual bleeding

Ayurveda provides a completely safe and natural PCOS treatment. It firmly believes in balancing the three doshas and thereby providing holistic solution for female health problems like PCOS or menopause treatment. Below mentioned are some natural remedies that go a long way in female infertility like menorrhagia treatment.

  • For a proper PCOS treatment, it is important to reduce the intake of dairy products. The patient can include buttermilk instead of curd in the diet.
  • All kind of junk food and sugary items must be excluded from the daily diet. 
  • A proper menopause treatment focusses on the consumption of healthy herbs like garlic, cinnamon and fenugreek seeds. 
  • Any ayurvedic treatment is incomplete without yoga or light exercise. Females with disturbed Shukra dhatu must practice yoga aasanas like Naukaasana, Bhadraasana, Padmaasana and Shalabhaasana for a good menorrhagia treatment. 
  • Herbs like Shilajit has anti-inflammatory properties that increases immunity and energy levels. Apart from improving the health of the heart, Shilajit also increases iron levels in the body and is therefore considered to be a super herb for PCOS treatment. 
  • Other herbs like Neem, Amalaki, Ashoka and Ashwagandha are also hugely effective for menopause treatment. These are completely natural and do not pose any kind of side effect. 

Ayurveda is not just about medicines. It lays emphasis on taking care of what you are eating and how you are leading your life. If you eat good food and lead a healthy life, you can reverse the impact of any lifestyle disorder including PCOS.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Cancer Treatment Remedies To Get Effective Cancer Care

We all fear one disease that is known as the most fatal one. Its cancer. What actually happens when cancer takes place is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells right about anywhere in a body. These abnormal cells are labelled as cancer cells, malignant cells, or sometimes, tumor cells. These cells have the potential to infiltrate normal body tissues.

Usually people spend a lot of money to get treated. They make a lot of effort to get the right diet and exercise right. But there’s something too that can be very useful for you. It’s the simple ayurvedic and natural remedies that would be preventive for cancer. If you are wondering what they are, well, here we are going to discuss that.

Raw Garlic

Garlic is one of the most used spice for cooking in Asian household. In most of every food we eat, garlic is present. Other than adding taste to the food, garlic actually does many other things too. Its highly beneficial for cancer treatment in ayurveda. The presence of powerful antioxidants like allicin makes garlic immensely capable to remove free radicals from the body. At the same time, it boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol levels and with constant consumption you might find that it also enhances brain activity. Many people find that garlic is a natural detoxifier.


We know that broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable. As people are gaining insight about better health, they are paying more importance to broccoli. Its advised to include broccoli in daily diet because it contains phytochemicals, antioxidants glucoraphanin and indole-3-carbinol in high amount. For cancer treatment, its all the more recommended because it has enormous capacity to decline the risk of breast, cervical, gastric, and prostate cancers. It has natural anti-inflammatory qualities which is wonderful for bones and heart. You can have it raw or blanched.

Green Tea

Green tea is being heavily consumed by this generation. There are so many benefits attached with it. Although most people think that it’s good for slimming the body but if you are looking for a natural cancer remedy, then green tea would be a great option for you as it has vitamin C components which help the body to fight free radical damage. As you consume green tea daily, you would have a healthy body and achieve a better health. you can find it any grocery or ayurvedic medical store.

Give a chance to these simple, natural remedies for defense against cancer!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Tonsillitis Treatment - Strategies To Treat A Tonsil Infection

Tonsils are present at the back of the throat. They look similar to two masses of tissue and their job is to act like filters that trap germs which have the tendency to enter your airways and lead to infection. Because of tonsils, your body gets antibodies that help to fight infection but at the same time, it must be kept in mind that there can be times when tonsils themselves get in contact with germs and that may lead to infection. When these bacteria or viruses get in touch with tonsils, there can be swelling and inflammation. This particular situation is called tonsillitis. This is can be especially seen in children and it can be seen occurring occasionally.

The symptoms of tonsillitis may include Redness of the tonsils, Painful blisters or ulcers on the throat, a Loss of appetite, A white or yellow coating on the tonsils, Difficulty swallowing through the mouth, Swollen glands in the neck or jaw area, tenderness in the throat, Fever with chills and Bad breath.

Whenever a person is suffering from Tonsillitis, there can be enormous pain in the body. Children, when going through tonsillitis find it hard to go to school, eat and even talk. That’s why its advised that they should get tonsillitis treatment just as soon as the symptoms have showed up. Even though there are many medications available for this particular problem, but there are natural remedies that would help you deal with the problem. You may even wonder what they are, well, here we are going to discuss them.

Raw Honey Tea

Raw honey has great anti inflammation properties that can reduce inflammation, burning and pain inside the body. Anytime, there is a throat problem, you should take raw honey and make a tea out of it. The effect would be enhanced if you mix it up with cinnamon or ginger and make a herbal tea out of it. There are many studies that have proven that when you take herbal tea, the chances of spreading infections reduces and your body gets all the necessary vitamins and nutrients to heal and nurture.

Gargle With Licorice

It’s widely known that whenever there is trouble in the throat, the best natural remedy is to gargle with warm salt water. In the warm water, you can also add licorice as it contains anti inflammation properties that help the body, especially the throat, to heal.

These are some of the popular ayurvedic recipes that would be beneficial to reduce the pain caused by tonsillitis and make the problem go way!