Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Natural Vitiligo Treatment - The Less Known Methods

Vitiligo – a skin disorder that leads to loss of natural skin color in patches is caused due to the death of melanocytes. Vitiligo can affect any part of the body from hair to eyes to hands or legs. It is an auto-immune disease and is also associated with other auto-immune and inflammatory diseases like thyroid, diabetes and pernicious anemia.

Usually vitiligo starts with a small spot which is white in color. This develops into patches which are pale yellowish in the beginning. But they become dark with time because of increased melanin loss. These patches increase and merge into each other, making broad patch. In many cases, it has been observed that, majority of the body skin is covered with these broad white patches.

Let’s move on to vitiligo treatment. It is a tridoshaj disorder, which means all the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha dosha. Ayurvedic vitiligo treatment stresses upon wellness more than sickness. In this treatment, the patient’s immunity is developed with natural and safe herbs and medications. Because of these features, many people are now opting for psoriasis ayurvedic treatment. We are presenting some lesser known methods that are completely safe for vitiligo and leukoderma treatment.

  • Physical and/or emotional stress is considered to be a trigger for vitiligo. It is advised that the patient should pursue creative interests and ward off any kind of stress. This anti-stress approach is very effective in vitiligo treatment.
  • A beneficial and natural vitiligo and leukoderma treatment is drinking water stored in copper utensils. It increases melanin production and is very rewarding to tone the skin of the patient.
  • Turmeric is another herb that is great in vitiligo treatment. A mixture made from turmeric and mustard oil can be applied on the infected white patches in the morning as well as evening.
  • Drinking a glass of neem juice every day is a great remedy for vitiligo treatment.
  • Make a powder of pomegranate leaves. Take it 8-10 grams twice every day with water.
  • Ginger leaves are also very effective for vitiligo treatment. You can make a paste of ginger leaves with poultice and apply it on the patches. Regular application will help in the treatment of vitiligo.
  • Eating figs in the raw form or roasting them to make a paste with water also helps in vitiligo treatment. Figs improve the blood circulation and thus is very effective for psoriasis treatment.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Insomnia Treatment - 4 Best Options to Deal With It

Thanks to a super busy lifestyle we have these days, sleep has slipped to the bottom of out to-do list. In our busy schedule, we miss on and overlook the finer things of life, like sleep. This goes to an extent that after a point, it is difficult to sleep at all. Sleep disorders like insomnia is a common problem faced by the millennials.

Good quality sleep is very important for our health and happiness. There is no substitute to a good sleep. According to Ayurveda, insomnia is a result of aggravated vata dosha. Vata dosha is responsible for activity, thinking and movement. When it is aggravated, the patient feels fatigued, anxious and has insomniac and hyperactive mind. This hyperactive mind does not let the patient get a good sleep and can result in other complications like bipolar disorder. Ayurvedic bipolar disorder treatment pacifies the vata dosha and balances the body, thereby curing insomnia. Read on below and get a perspective on Ayurvedic insomnia treatment.
  • Diet – A good diet is extremely important for insomnia treatment. Since insomnia is caused due to aggravated vata dosha, the patient should indulge in a diet that balances the vata dosha. This includes warm, moist and grounding food items. Caffeine, raw and cold food items should be avoided. 
  • Herbs – Herbs like ashwagandha, brahmi, valerian, passionflower, california poppy, magnolia bark and lavender are great when it comes to insomnia treatment.
  • Yoga – Ayurveda also focusses on yoga for insomnia treatment. Yoga not only relaxes the body but also releases tension from the muscles that help in getting a good, quality sleep. Yoga aasanas like pranayama, seated twist, cross-legged bend, seated forward bend, knees to chest pose, reclining twist and corpse pose help in providing a sound sleep and rest to the body.
  • Therapies – There are many therapies that are effective to treat insomnia. These therapies are very popular in Ayurveda as they help in restoring the imbalanced doshas. The therapies that are effective in insomnia treatment are shirodhara, shirobhyanga, netra tarpan, abhyanga, snana, padabhyanga etc.

Insomnia or not getting proper sleep can have harmful effect on the body like cravings, irritation, crankiness, premature aging, focus and attention problems, depleted adrenal glands and lot many complications. Good quality sleep is paramount for overall health and happiness. It not only improves the physical health but also ensures a strong mental and social health. Follow the tips mentioned above and sleep well. Happy sweet dreams! 

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Searching For Natural Constipation Treatment

Constipation is a common disorder wherein the patient experiences hard and dry bowel motions that may be difficult to pass or infrequent. Constipation can be extremely painful and embarrassing. Apart from being an unpleasant experience, t is also a symptom of a deeper imbalance in the doshas that needs to be corrected. The positive thing here is that Ayurveda provides simple and effective constipation treatment.

According to Ayurveda, constipation is caused by the aggravation of Vata dosha. The disturbed vata dosha in the body increases dryness in the body which leads to dry wastes. Because of the dryness, a delayed transit of the bowel motion leads to constipation. This could also be a symptom of serious diseases like irritable bowel syndrome. However, Ayurveda has answers to all the disorders and a timely irritable bowel syndrome treatment can also be provided through Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic constipation treatment includes balancing the vata dosha. Below mentioned are some natural constipation treatment from Ayurveda.

  1. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking sufficient water. Lukewarm water is advised for constipation patients as it gives the warmth and calms the vata dosha thereby stimulating the digestive fire. 
  2. Ginger tea is a good tonic for constipation treatment as it helps in the bowel movements. 
  3. Guava is also very effective for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome treatment. The patient should eat guava with the seeds to provide roughage to the body.
  4. Applying 3-4 drops of lukewarm castor oil over the navel before bed time also helps in the treatment of constipation.
  5. Pineapple and Carrot juice are very effective for constipation treatment.
  6. Drink a glass of boiled milk with 1-2 teaspoon of ghee before going to the bed. This will help in treating constipation.
  7. Triphala is a herbal supplement that balances the doshas and is very effective in constipation treatment. 
  8. Take stress off your mind and life. A positive mind frame leads to a healthy body.
  9. Practice a healthy lifestyle and indulge in light exercise and yoga. Aasanas like Pawan Mukt Aasana, Vajra Aasana, Yog Mudra and Dhanuraasana aid in constipation treatment. 

It is important to note that Ayurveda provides easy and effective constipation treatment. But it also believes that every person is unique and therefore, their individual characteristics and requirements should be considered. So, if you are facing serious and continuous constipation, visit a trained and qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for a proper constipation treatment.   

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Weight Loss As an Effective PCOS Treatment

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine system disorder seen in women of reproductive age. Most of the women suffering from PCOS have many tiny cysts on their ovaries. Hence, the name – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Though these cysts are not harmful or fatal, but they are responsible for hormonal imbalance. PCOS is increasing day by day in India. It is estimated that 1 in every 10 Indian women is affected by PCOS. This is because of the changing lifestyle and unhealthy habits prevalent in the youth. Sedentary lifestyle coupled with bad eating habits and not taking PCOS treatment on time are the main reasons for the same.

Before moving towards PCOS treatment, let’s first understand the signs and symptoms of PCOS.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Amenorrhea
  • Hirsutism
  • Infertility
  • Variation in menstrual bleeding 
  • Changes in the skin color
  • Obesity
  • Baldness or hair thinning
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Sleep apnea
  • Disturbed mental health
  • Skin tags

PCOS treatment is extremely important, more so in case of pregnant women because pregnant women with PCOS have a higher risk of:
  • Miscarriage
  • PIH – Pregnancy included hypertension
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Premature delivery

Lifestyle changes would be the first step in PCOS treatment. The patient should diligently lead a balanced life with healthy food and proper lifestyle. It is an important fact that around 80% of the women suffering from PCOS are obese. That is why weight loss is an extremely important factor in PCOS treatment. 

It has been seen that losing even 10% of the body weight can help in regularization of the menstrual cycle in PCOS affected women. When menstrual cycle is regularized, the symptoms of PCOS also begin to reduce. Weight loss is also beneficial for other disorders related to women health like menopause treatment and menorrhagia treatment.

Weight loss also improves the insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing the elevated androgen secretion. Losing weight holds the key for an effective PCOS treatment. Exercises, regular physical activities and a balanced diet help in the overall health of women, apart from being a catalyst in menopause treatment and other health related issues.

Sometimes because of societal pressure and sometimes due to neglect, women ignore to take care of their health. However, women should understand that their health is the foundation for a healthy and happy family. It is important, therefore, for women to take care of their health and take timely menopause treatment and menorrhagia treatment.

Cancer Treatments on - Know the Other Solutions Available to You on Jiva Ayurveda

Cancer – also known as malignancy, is a fatal disease caused by abnormal growth of cells. These abnormal cells start affecting and controlling the surrounding organs and tissues of the patient. Without a proper treatment, toxins begin to accumulate at the site of the infected organ and may lead to fatal growth in the surrounding cells.

Cancer treatment in Ayurveda is a vast topic. Ayurveda believes that any kind of imbalance in the human body is because of the lack or excess of one or more doshas (kapha, pitta and vata). That is why all diseases originate with them. According to Ayurveda, cancerous cells are always present in the body. It is not a cause of worry when the body is in the state of homeostasis, also called Dosha balance.

We bring you Ayurvedic home remedies that are effective in the cancer treatment in all the stages. 


Thanks to its anti-oxidant properties, Ashwagandha is a great Ayurvedic herb for the cancer treatment. Not only it helps in minimizing the damage of healthy cells from chemotherapy, it also provides strength for a fast and steady recovery and regeneration of body cells and tissues.


Turmeric is hugely popular for cancer treatment in Ayurveda. Curcumin – the yellow colored pigment present in turmeric helps in cancer prevention and treatment.


Tulsi is a preferable herb for cancer treatment in Ayurveda.  It repairs the damaged cells and fight against the changes in the precancerous cells in the body.


Obtained from one of our staple foods, wheat, wheatgrass is a very effective herb for the cancer treatment in Ayurveda. It is believed that the wheatgrass juice charged with the UV rays is extremely beneficial for the treatment of cancer. The chlorophyll pigment present in the wheatgrass is great for the treatment of Hb deficiency, which is very common in cancer patients.


Garlic is one of the most effective herb when it comes to ayurvedic home remedies for cancer treatment. The biggest health authorities all over the world, including WHO has recognized garlic as a potent ayurvedic herb for cancer treatment.


Also known as Elettaria cardamomum, cardamom is herb that is great for the cancer treatment. Studies have proved that the oil from cardamom is extremely effective in cancer management.

Cancer treatment in Ayurveda believes in the principle of Ayurveda wherein the focus is not only on the infected area but on the complete body. It ensures that the patient is healed at the deepest level. That is why, yoga, meditation, pranayama are also recommended in cancer treatment in Ayurveda.