Monday, 19 February 2018

Insomnia Treatment - 4 Best Options to Deal With It

Thanks to a super busy lifestyle we have these days, sleep has slipped to the bottom of out to-do list. In our busy schedule, we miss on and overlook the finer things of life, like sleep. This goes to an extent that after a point, it is difficult to sleep at all. Sleep disorders like insomnia is a common problem faced by the millennials.

Good quality sleep is very important for our health and happiness. There is no substitute to a good sleep. According to Ayurveda, insomnia is a result of aggravated vata dosha. Vata dosha is responsible for activity, thinking and movement. When it is aggravated, the patient feels fatigued, anxious and has insomniac and hyperactive mind. This hyperactive mind does not let the patient get a good sleep and can result in other complications like bipolar disorder. Ayurvedic bipolar disorder treatment pacifies the vata dosha and balances the body, thereby curing insomnia. Read on below and get a perspective on Ayurvedic insomnia treatment.
  • Diet – A good diet is extremely important for insomnia treatment. Since insomnia is caused due to aggravated vata dosha, the patient should indulge in a diet that balances the vata dosha. This includes warm, moist and grounding food items. Caffeine, raw and cold food items should be avoided. 
  • Herbs – Herbs like ashwagandha, brahmi, valerian, passionflower, california poppy, magnolia bark and lavender are great when it comes to insomnia treatment.
  • Yoga – Ayurveda also focusses on yoga for insomnia treatment. Yoga not only relaxes the body but also releases tension from the muscles that help in getting a good, quality sleep. Yoga aasanas like pranayama, seated twist, cross-legged bend, seated forward bend, knees to chest pose, reclining twist and corpse pose help in providing a sound sleep and rest to the body.
  • Therapies – There are many therapies that are effective to treat insomnia. These therapies are very popular in Ayurveda as they help in restoring the imbalanced doshas. The therapies that are effective in insomnia treatment are shirodhara, shirobhyanga, netra tarpan, abhyanga, snana, padabhyanga etc.

Insomnia or not getting proper sleep can have harmful effect on the body like cravings, irritation, crankiness, premature aging, focus and attention problems, depleted adrenal glands and lot many complications. Good quality sleep is paramount for overall health and happiness. It not only improves the physical health but also ensures a strong mental and social health. Follow the tips mentioned above and sleep well. Happy sweet dreams! 

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