Friday, 9 March 2018

What Are the Options For Gallstones Treatment?

Do you frequently complain about stomach pain, nausea, indigestion, vomiting, bloating, gas and heartburn? If yes, then there might be something more than digestive problem. What you may need is a good gallstones treatment. As the name suggests, gallstone is a solid stone-like material formed inside the gall bladder. These solid stone-like materials cause a lot of pain in the abdomen when they get trapped inside the duct in the gall bladder.

The patient experiences the symptoms when the stones irritate the gall bladder. The common symptoms include:

  • Severe pain in the upper right abdomen. 
  • Pain in the shoulder, back and chest.
  • Fever/ chills.
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Low appetite
  • Loose bowel
  • Jaundice
  • Skin rashes

It is important to know that if a proper gallstone treatment is not given to the patient, it can result in inflammation of the gall bladder, duct, pancreas and obstruction of the intestine. These are complicated health concerns that can worsen the problem. According to Ayurveda, an imbalanced vata, pitta and kapha dosha are responsible for gallstone. Pacifying the three doshas, therefore, is the primary focus of gallstone and kidney stone treatment. 

Some natural and ayurvedic options that are hugely beneficial for gallstone treatment are listed below. It is however suggested that one should visit a trained ayurvedic practitioner for a personalized and complete gallstone and kidney stone treatment.

  • Beetroot, carrot and cucumber juice mixed in equal quantities twice every day helps in dissolving the gallstones and help in gallstone treatment.
  • Drink 30 ml olive oil empty stomach in the morning. This should be followed by 120ml grapefruit or lemon juice. These drinks will help the gallbladder release the bile, thereby pushing the stones to come out. The patient may have loose bowel movement but it is a part of the detoxification process and is a helpful option for gallstone treatment.
  • Pear juice with warm water mixed with honey can be consumed twice every day.
  • To get fast relief from the gallstone pain, the patient can drink peppermint tea. It will soothe spam and provide instant comfort.
  • The patient suffering from gallstone should include fibre in the diet.
  • Instead of large meals, the patient must take smaller meals as they are easier to digest.
  • Fattening and fried food intake must be reduced.
  • Caffeine and high fat dairy food products must be avoided.
  • Regular physical exercise or light yoga will help in maintaining ideal body weight. It is essential for gallstone treatment.  

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