Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Proper Hygiene To Avoid Spending Money For Acne Treatment

This is somewhere the good deeds of our previous birth that we have got an opportunity to live as a human. You might have heard this many times! But how many of you actually take proper of yourself, health and body? Hardly some of us are serious and focused towards our body, rest some are malnourished while some are suffering from obesity. Till how long this will work even being aware of the rapidly spreading one on one diseases. One of the most commonly affected areas is the face where with anything, acne occurs and become a special member of the life.

Also, this acne treatment with the artificial products reduce it immediately but after some time it reappears. It is better to always go for the ayurvedic treatment which is one of the best solutions for acne and its permanent removal. But one of the most important step to avoid acne is adding proper hygiene in your life. If you are clean, living in clean plus healthy surroundings then the chance for acne automatically reduces by 50%.

The major cause is the three doshas the pitta dosha, which further spoils the rakta (blood)and meda dhatus (fat tissues). These then block the energy channels leading to pimple formation. It can very commonly recognize with the whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. The Ayurvedic center has given some of the reasons behind its cause like the excessive heat produced by the body that makes the heating toxins, then the use of antibiotics and the diet which is the root cause.

Some of the must advice to follow to avoid and reduce acne problem are.

1. Say no to spicy and oily foods. See such kind of food is not only responsible for acne but for other problems as well. So it is better to avoid them as much as you can and for acne purpose avoid sour foods as well.

2. Eat fresh and healthy food which is clean too. In this polluted environment it is tough to get such food but if you are eating at home then it is better to make it in a good way and eat fresh only.

3. Adding some of the necessary herbs in your food can be a good option and with that start at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will eliminate the toxins from your body.

4. Add herbal soaps to the list and cut out the irritant cosmetics from your list at least till when you are under treatment.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Effective Natural Remedies For Hypertension Problem

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is the increased pressure of blood in the arteries that can be very harmful and dangerous. After a certain age, it is one of the most commonly found diseases in humans. It is majorly affected by the age, sex, physical activities, obesity, stress, lack of exercises, excessive intake of tea, mental tensions and diet. All this cause pain, vertigo, fatigue, unconsciousness, etc. which can be fatal.

Who loves to take medicine on regular basis? It is better to avoid them as much as possible. Better to be aware rather going for hypertension treatment. It is something that once gets stick to you will never leave you. This is the same for hypertension as well whose best treatment is the drug therapy. But what if you get the chance to naturally avoid it just by adding few changes in lifestyle.

Some of the natural and effective remedies for hypertension are: 

1. Avoid meat, eggs, table salt, pickles, tea and coffee which can be the root cause of the increased blood pressure. This is effective for anxiety disorder treatment as well. After some point in time, it is better to avoid all these oily and spices. It can be only taken in limited quantity when you have that much physical exercise to do that doesn't affect your body and health. If no then better stay away and control your taste buds.

2. Avoid smoking as it increases heart rate. This is also somewhere very important to know for the youth as well who are very much involved in the smoke that it better to avoid smoking and excessive drinking. If your heart rate is controlled then you are not a victim of hypertension as well.

3. Obesity is one very important reason behind the high BP so better workout more and starts some effective physical exercise i.e. brisk walking, jogging, swimming etc. With this add warm lemon water, parsley, watermelon, cottage cheese in your diet. Juice of 3-4 garlic cloves, 10-12 basil leaves, and one-fourth cup of wheatgrass is very much required to lower the Blood pressure.

Before any treatment, it is better to find the root cause of the problem that why is it happening and then you start treating it. Like if it is related to your stomach give some relaxation to it by avoiding the oils, if it is because of mind then add some peace with yoga and meditation. All you have to do it by yourself.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Can Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Pain Get Pregnant?

Ankylosing Spondylitis is an arthritic condition that happens in the spine of a human body which creates numbness and stiffness from the neck portion to the lower back and may affect your body posture as well as leads to a lot of discomfort to the body and hence one should take great measures in order to recover from this condition effectively and efficiently.


a) Pain
Spondylitis brings a lot of pain and stiffness in the body which sometimes can become really unbearable especially at the lower back portion of the body and hence effective measures has to be taken by the concerned individual and should definitely go for ankylosing spondylitis treatment for recovering from this pain effectively and efficiently.

b) Issues in ligaments
There are some ligaments and tendons in the body which might get affected due to spondylitis and hence effective measures should be taken by the concerned person in order to recover from this problem with more efficiency and effectiveness.

c) Abnormal growth of bones
Ankylosing Spondylitis also creates a situation where we tend to develop our bones abnormally which disrupts the proper functioning of the body and hence it is essential on our part to take corrective measures when the condition is first detected in order to get relief from the problem as much as possible.

Having ankylosing spondylitis may not affect your baby as such but, it can affect your baby's delivery. And hence For that reason, women with spondylitis may be more likely to deliver by C-section.

Ayurvedic Remedies

1. Ghee
It might sound weird but in Ayurveda, it is mentioned that ghee is a very good remedy for ankylosing spondylitis and hence one who is suffering from spondylitis should include ghee in his diet in order to get great relief.

2. Avoid Excessive Oily Foods
It is essential that you take food that is very light and which does not affect your body that much. Moreover, it is very essential that you avoid taking excessive oily foods as it might have a drastic effect on your body.

3. Heat
You should try to apply heat to the infected areas in order to get relief from the condition and also to make the blood circulation on that body part a less problematic. Heat is a great method by which you can get a great amount of relief.

4. Yoga
Yoga asanas are very beneficial in this condition as they give a great amount of relief to the body and hence one suffering from ankylosing as well as cervical spondylitis should try yoga each and every day.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Natural Home Remedies For Bronchitis That Works Effectively

Bronchitis is generally a condition in which an acute inflammation of the trachea and bronchi of the lungs, results in accumulation and discharge of phlegm. Basically, Bronchitis can be of two types acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is of short duration and is cured within a a week or two, while chronic bronchitis persists for much longer duration and can stay on for months.

Generally air blocks the water in the respiratory channels and the movement of the air gets interrupted, and phlegm accumulates in the lung tissue. In order to expel this, there is a reaction of coughing, which results in Bronchitis. It can be caused due to many reasons like inhalation of smoke particles as well as dust particles, physical exercises, intake of foods and drinks that have a drying effect on the body, and the obstruction of the trachea by food particles.

Ayurveda generally believes it is caused due to poor digestion. Improper diet along with incomplete elimination of harmful wastes leads to the formation of mucus in the lungs area which creates a favorable opportunity for the growth of infecting organisms in that area. Moreover poor lifestyle has also been considered as one of the contributing factors

The Ayurvedic Bronchitis Treatment is aimed to correct lung as well as stomach properties and functions. Herbs are given to ease troubled breathing and expel phlegm. At the same time, Ayurvedic digestive formulas are also prescribed in order to enhance the digestive fire which enables to kill pathogens.

Try to Stay warm and drink a lot of hot herbal drinks such as green tea, tulsi tea or slimming tea which can help your cause. Moreover, Suppression of natural urges should be avoided as it contributes to your problem even further. Also, Regular body massage with warm sesame oil helps to pacify the problem which you suffer in the chest with great precision.

Also cover your nose when you are in smoky and polluted atmosphere, it will protect from all kinds of irritation which you might face and also take a steam treatment whenever you feel irritation in your throat.

It is necessary on your part to get yourself bronchitis or tonsillitis treatment as it will help you to get the great amount of relief from this health problem more quickly that too with great efficiency and effectiveness so that you can lead your life normally like before without much trouble.