Monday, 9 July 2018

Can Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Pain Get Pregnant?

Ankylosing Spondylitis is an arthritic condition that happens in the spine of a human body which creates numbness and stiffness from the neck portion to the lower back and may affect your body posture as well as leads to a lot of discomfort to the body and hence one should take great measures in order to recover from this condition effectively and efficiently.


a) Pain
Spondylitis brings a lot of pain and stiffness in the body which sometimes can become really unbearable especially at the lower back portion of the body and hence effective measures has to be taken by the concerned individual and should definitely go for ankylosing spondylitis treatment for recovering from this pain effectively and efficiently.

b) Issues in ligaments
There are some ligaments and tendons in the body which might get affected due to spondylitis and hence effective measures should be taken by the concerned person in order to recover from this problem with more efficiency and effectiveness.

c) Abnormal growth of bones
Ankylosing Spondylitis also creates a situation where we tend to develop our bones abnormally which disrupts the proper functioning of the body and hence it is essential on our part to take corrective measures when the condition is first detected in order to get relief from the problem as much as possible.

Having ankylosing spondylitis may not affect your baby as such but, it can affect your baby's delivery. And hence For that reason, women with spondylitis may be more likely to deliver by C-section.

Ayurvedic Remedies

1. Ghee
It might sound weird but in Ayurveda, it is mentioned that ghee is a very good remedy for ankylosing spondylitis and hence one who is suffering from spondylitis should include ghee in his diet in order to get great relief.

2. Avoid Excessive Oily Foods
It is essential that you take food that is very light and which does not affect your body that much. Moreover, it is very essential that you avoid taking excessive oily foods as it might have a drastic effect on your body.

3. Heat
You should try to apply heat to the infected areas in order to get relief from the condition and also to make the blood circulation on that body part a less problematic. Heat is a great method by which you can get a great amount of relief.

4. Yoga
Yoga asanas are very beneficial in this condition as they give a great amount of relief to the body and hence one suffering from ankylosing as well as cervical spondylitis should try yoga each and every day.

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