Tuesday, 10 October 2017

The Problem Leading To Pink Eyes - Conjunctivitis

Pink Eye is an eye condition where the conjunctivitis present in the eye membrane to such an extent that causes severe irritation to the person who attains it and it often spreads to a healthy person if he or she looks at the eye of a person who is suffering or infected from it.

However, conjunctivitis or pink eye as it is commonly known is quite common and it usually wears off within 7-10 days. Conjunctivitis is mainly caused due to allergies or dry eyes or by certain bacteria and virus present on the surface of your face.

Basically conjunctivitis is of several types but primarily only its two types are at great prominence namely bacterial conjunctivitis and viral conjunctivitis and cause a hell lot of discomfort to the infected person and hence for that reason it is very necessary that one should take necessary conjunctivitis treatment in order to get relief from this problem effectively and efficiently without much trouble.

There are various methods and ways by which you can get relief from the problem of conjunctivitis but some of those methods have harmful side effects moreover some are quite expensive as is not within the reach of a common man and hence it is necessary that one should go and look for other alternatives which are very effective and do not create any sort of side effects. Hence for that and for that reason only Ayurveda and its methods should be adopted in order to get great relief from conjunctivitis and you will find a lot of home remedies as well that can help you from your condition in no time.

Ayurvedic Remedies

Eyes should be washed with clean water and should be wiped off with the clean cloth on a regular basis in order to avoid any sort infections being spread in the eye. Moreover, one should wear sunglasses as light causes a huge amount of irritation to our eyes and sunglasses somewhat diminishes that irritation and hence one should wear it as much as possible.

Apart from this one should mix 2 cups of warm water with 3 teaspoons of honey and should apply it in their eyes effectively and efficiently in order to get instant relief from the irritation as well as from the problem of conjunctivitis. Also one should get an ayurvedic consultation from experts as well in order to make the methods adopted by the concerned person more effective.

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